Geography Quiz Review ~Mrs. Connor. ~ a thick sheet of ice.

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Presentation on theme: "Geography Quiz Review ~Mrs. Connor. ~ a thick sheet of ice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geography Quiz Review ~Mrs. Connor

2 ~ a thick sheet of ice

3 L a t i t u d e ~measures distance north and south from the equator

4 longitude ~Measures distance east and west from the Prime Meridian (Greenwich)

5 map projection ~a way of drawing the earth on a flat surface

6 ~high, steep, rugged land, usually at least 100 0 feet above surrounding land

7 tributary ~a stream or small river that flows into a bigger river

8 irrigate ~to bring water to a dry area in order to grow food

9 e l e v a t i o n ~height above sea level

10 geography ~the study of people, their environment, and their resources

11 history ~an account of what happened in the development of a people, a nation, or a civilization

12 plain ~a broad area of fairly level land

13 isthmus ~a narrow strip of land

14 plateau ~a large raised area of flat or gently rolling land

15 ~condition of the air at any given time and place

16 climate ~average weather of a place over a period of 20 to 30 years

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