Good Evening Thanks for coming and please sit towards the front.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Evening Thanks for coming and please sit towards the front."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Evening Thanks for coming and please sit towards the front.

2 Marching Band 2014 “Double Agent”

3 Staff Director- Keith Richardson Director- Keith Richardson Asst. Dir.- Greg Hutchison Asst. Dir.- Greg Hutchison Percussion- Mike Brandt, James Hagan, Greg Lee, Erica Laufer, Tom Rife, Luke Zampelli Percussion- Mike Brandt, James Hagan, Greg Lee, Erica Laufer, Tom Rife, Luke Zampelli Color Guard- Jamie Barrick Color Guard- Jamie Barrick Music Techs- Allison Spooner, Luke Forshey, Jess Casserta Music Techs- Allison Spooner, Luke Forshey, Jess Casserta

4 Attendance Policies Notification from parent Notification from parent Email preferred; note, voicemail acceptable Email preferred; note, voicemail acceptable Closes circle of communication Closes circle of communication Two weeks for practice Two weeks for practice One month for performance One month for performance

5 Schedule Complete May through November Complete May through November Changes will occur!! Changes will occur!! Work is never an excused absence Work is never an excused absence

6 Commitments Playing tests Playing tests Warm ups Warm ups Show music Show music Football music Football music Uniform checks Uniform checks Attendance/ Behavior Attendance/ Behavior

7 Philosophy Create a dynamic, artistic and fun environment that encourages students to achieve high level of musical excellence and personal accomplishment. Create a dynamic, artistic and fun environment that encourages students to achieve high level of musical excellence and personal accomplishment.

8 Policies Concert Band is a requirement for all MB Members Concert Band is a requirement for all MB Members Exceptions: color guard only members Exceptions: color guard only members Percussionists should be in the Percussion class Percussionists should be in the Percussion class

9 Band Boosters Presidents: Lisa Grubb Organization that helps the entire band program move to a higher level Great way to spend time with/ for your kids Still looking for people to shadow the Band Manager and Treasurer and a Co-president

10 Band Website Access through Access through High School/ music/ bands High School/ music/ bands Boosters minutes and mtg. info Boosters minutes and mtg. info Curricular band announcements Curricular band announcements Access to Box Six web site (music, recordings, etc) Access to Box Six web site (music, recordings, etc)

11 Materials Please take only what you need (handbooks) Please take only what you need (handbooks) Students MUST register by 6/13 (except CG 6/26) Students MUST register by 6/13 (except CG 6/26) Please see or email me with any questions Please see or email me with any questions All paperwork due by June 24 th (1 st full rehearsal) All paperwork due by June 24 th (1 st full rehearsal) Medical form/ Contract Medical form/ Contract Handbook signature page Handbook signature page

12 Fun Stuff! Soda Jerk after Guard practices in June Soda Jerk after Guard practices in June Pool Party at Htown Pool after week 1 of Camp Pool Party at Htown Pool after week 1 of Camp DCI Drum Corps show at Regal on 8/6 DCI Drum Corps show at Regal on 8/6 Dillsburg Parade!! Dillsburg Parade!! Exhibition shows for Marching Bands only Exhibition shows for Marching Bands only Playing for 1000s of people Playing for 1000s of people Hangin’ with your “Band peeps” Hangin’ with your “Band peeps”

13 More Fun Stuff! Band Day at Pitt on 11/1 Band Day at Pitt on 11/1 Optional trip (approx cost of $25) cover t-shirt School bus out to Pitt game Day of events (including the game)

14 Florida More details in the fall (after board approval) fall info meeting and pre-trip meeting. More details in the fall (after board approval) fall info meeting and pre-trip meeting. Looking at 4 days in FL (excluding travel) Looking at 4 days in FL (excluding travel) Performances for Concert Band and Marching Band Performances for Concert Band and Marching Band Looking at flight and bus options Looking at flight and bus options Index card Index card

15 Thank you very much!

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