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1 Disengagement The Vision Creating a new chance to achieve peace. Restarting direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians on the final status.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Disengagement The Vision Creating a new chance to achieve peace. Restarting direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians on the final status."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Disengagement The Vision Creating a new chance to achieve peace. Restarting direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians on the final status will result in the establishment of full and peaceful relations between Israel and a Palestinian state. This will allow both people to live in genuine peace and security.

2 2 The Purpose Better future for both people. Potential (and hope) for restarting the peace process (on the basis of the road map). Enhancing security by reducing terror. End of occupation. Boosting the economy by improving quality of life for all in the region.

3 3 Disengagement - Background Past 4.5 years of terror Change in Palestinian leadership. A need for a new program to change reality and restart the peace process. Security needs of the Israeli population.

4 4 Philosophy If there is no partner to peace, Israel has to lead the change and create a chance to achieve peace in the M.E. It is a unilateral process. If the implementation does improve conditions on the ground, it will be a platform for renewed negotiations between the sides. Only security will lead to peace.

5 5 Disengagement – The Israeli Challenges & Concessions Precedent move – dismantling of settlements. Giving up land with Historic ties. Security risks and needs. Strategic depth. Giving up land without an agreement or a partner. Growing social and political rift, within a democracy, between Camps. Cost of evacuated families. Cost to the Israeli economy.

6 6 Important Dates for the Middle East 1979 – Peace with Egypt 1993 – Oslo process with the Palestinians 1994 – Peace with Jordan July 2000 – Camp David Summit – final peace proposal October 2000 – response – intifada-terror December 2002 - The Roadmap was accepted by Israeli P.M.

7 7 Disengagement – Important Dates December 2003 - Introduced by Israeli P.M. Ariel Sharon October 2004 - Endorsed in the Knesset (Israel’s parliament) February 2005 - Regional and international welcome to the plan on Sharem e-Sheikh Summit 17.8.05 – beginning of the Disengagement

8 8 Six day war (B) 1967

9 9 Israel after the Six Day War

10 10 Israel and the Region

11 11 Gaza Strip

12 12 Northern Samaria

13 13 Disengagement Process –25 Jewish towns and villages (9000 people) to be evacuated in 4 stages. –Israel will redeploy outside of the Gaza Strip. –Israel will evacuate 4 settlements and all military installations in the area of the West Bank. –Israel and the International community will assist in facilitating normal Palestinian economic activity. –There will be security measures to maintain Israel’s security (i.e. passages, security control, security fence etc.). Israel will work to reduce the number of check points in the West Bank. –International Security assistance to the P.A. – will be coordinated. Mainly equipment and training to combat terrorism and maintain public order.

14 14 Open Issues That Have To Be Resolved –The border between Gaza strip and Egypt (Philadelphi Route) has to be solved. This area is known for its arms smuggling tunnels and has implications on the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt. –Ports in Gaza strip. –Real Estate Assets (industrial, commercial and agricultural facilities). The Erez industrial zone. New industrial zone on the border of Gaza-Egypt and Israel. –Civil infrastructure and arrangements. Israel will continue selling electricity, water, gas and fuel to the Palestinians. –Economic arrangements between the two sides will remain intact. Israel encourages greater Palestinian economic independence.

15 15 Key players WHO are the Key players? Israel, P.A., Egypt, The Quartet (U.S., EU, Russia, U.N.), World Bank and others. Role of International community: –Ensure and help the P.A. fulfill its commitments (Sharem Summit). –Support the P.A. I.e. economically.

16 16 Israel’s Expectations from the P.A. That they fulfill their commitments (administrative reforms, fight terrorism, transparency etc). Controlling Gaza. Coordination of key elements of the plan. Palestinian responsibility and steps to end terror and dismantle its infrastructure. Palestinian Authority will demonstrate its ability to govern. Renew Peace negotiations.

17 17 The Future The Disengagement will be a test case and its success may create a precedent for the future. Its failure, displayed by the continuation of terror, will lead to a deadlock.

18 18 Summary Israel is committed to peace in the M.E. and is willing to pay a painful price for fulfilling this dream. The Disengagement creates an opportunity for us to work together with the Palestinians to achieve the dream. We hope that they will join us in this effort.

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