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Middle East Peace Process. Importance: 1) Important to achieving other US FP goals in the region 2) Stability in the ME 3) Decreases Terrorism.

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Presentation on theme: "Middle East Peace Process. Importance: 1) Important to achieving other US FP goals in the region 2) Stability in the ME 3) Decreases Terrorism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Middle East Peace Process

2 Importance: 1) Important to achieving other US FP goals in the region 2) Stability in the ME 3) Decreases Terrorism


4 British declare end of rule in 1948 --international pressure --Terrorism (Irgun) UN General Assembly- November 1947 Partition into Jewish and Palestinian state Jerusalem- international admin


6 Jewish Leaders Accept Arab Leaders Reject End of 1947- Conflict Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan May 14, 1948- Official End British Mandate State of Israel Declared

7 War, Five Arab States vs Israel Israel victorious Result of War: 1) Israeli state larger than UN plan


9 2) Refugees 3) Arab Antagonism 1948-1967 Military Crises 1967- 6 Day War Effects of 1967 War 1) Israeli Growth


11 2) Occupied Territories and Terrorism 3) Settlements UN 242 1) Israeli withdrawal 2) Recognition of all states

12 1973 Yom Kippur War Egypt and Syria vs Israel Effects of War 1) UN Buffer Zones 2) US prevent future wars 3) PLO internationalizes

13 1979 Camp David Accords 1987- Intifada 1993 Oslo Declaration of Principles 1)Right to exist 2)Self Governance 1995 Interim Agreement


15 Nov. 1995 Rabin assassinated, renewal of violence Unsettled Issues 1) Refugees 2) Jerusalem 3) Violence 4) PNA 5) Settlements

16 Current US Policy 1) Road Map 3 phases 1) end violence, freeze settlements 2) Palestinian State with provisional borders 3) Final borders, refugees, Jerusalem 2) Resumption of Talks --Settlements (Land Swaps), Palestinian State

17 Quartet- US, EU, Russia, and UN Advs: 1) gradualism 2) Intl Commitment 3) Normalize SQ Problems 1) First Phase Problems 2) Quartet Blues 3) No real solutions- like Oslo

18 Other Plans working with Roadmap 1)Peace Valley Plan- Economic Cooperation 2) Lots of others- Low level, often non- government

19 Alternatives (Not Necessarily Presented this way: Arab Peace Initiative (2002 and 2007: Israel: 1) Withdraw from all 67 territories 2) Palestinian refugees 3) Palestinian state- East Jerusalem Arab States: Peace and Normal Relations

20 Advs: 1) Avoids Israeli-Palestinian short term/ long term tradeoff 2) More Incentives for Israel (e.g. Peace with Syria and other Arab states) Problems 1) Palestinians not unified – no Hamas 2) Israel rejects large parts of Initiative 3) Iran and are all the Arab states (Syria, Lebanon) behind this

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