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a. Federalists b. Democratic-Republicans c. Election of 1800 (Revolution of 1800) d. Era of Good Feelings e. Democrats f. Whig Party a.midnight judges.

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Presentation on theme: "a. Federalists b. Democratic-Republicans c. Election of 1800 (Revolution of 1800) d. Era of Good Feelings e. Democrats f. Whig Party a.midnight judges."— Presentation transcript:


2 a. Federalists b. Democratic-Republicans c. Election of 1800 (Revolution of 1800) d. Era of Good Feelings e. Democrats f. Whig Party a.midnight judges b. John Marshall c. Marbury v. Madison, 1803 d. judicial review e. McCulloch v. Maryland, 1819 f. Gibbons v. Ogden, 1824 a. market economy b. Albert Gallatin c. Embargo Act, 1807 d. Panic of 1819 e. Panic of 1837 f. debates over the tariff and internal improvements a. southern defense of slavery b. Slave Codes c. Calhoun’s Speech in the U.S. Senate, 1837. a. Second Great Awakening b. Charles Finney c. Seneca Falls Convention, 1848 d. Elizabeth Cady Stanton e. Frances (Franny) Wright f. Dorothea Dix g. Horace Mann h. Utopian Communities a.neoclassicism b.Hudson River School, 1825-1875 c.transcendentalism d.Ralph Waldo Emerson e.Henry David Thoreau f.John James Audubon. a. American System, 1815 a. Eire Canal, 1817-1825 b. turnpikes c. National Road (Cumberland Road), 1811 d. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 1828 a. Mason - Dixon Line. a. cult of domesticity b. Lydia Maria Child c. National Trades’ Union, 1834

3 a.Second Bank of the United States, 1816d. Destruction of the Second Bank of the United States, 1833 b.Tariff of 1816e. John C. Calhoun c.Tariff of Abominations, 1828f. Daniel Webster g. Henry Clay a.Louisiana Purchase, 1803 b.Lewis and Clark expedition, 1804-1806 c.War Hawks d.War of 1812, 1812-1815 e.Adams-Onís Treaty, 1819 f.Monroe Doctrine, 1823 g.Webster-Ashburton Treaty, 1842 h. Annexation of Texas, 1845 I. Oregon Treaty, 1846 j. Manifest Destiny k. Mexican-American War, 1846-48 L. Mexican Cession, 1848 m. Chinese trade a.Hartford Convention, 1814 b.South Carolina Nullification Crisis, 1832-1833 a.Tecumseh b.Indian Removal Act, 1830 c.Black Hawk d. Worcester v. Georgia, 1832 e.Trail of Tears, 1838 f.Seminole Wars, 1814-1819, 1835-1842 a.Talmadge Amendment, 1819 b.Missouri Compromise, 1820 c.American Anti-Slavery Society d.Essex Junto

4 Judicial Review Midnight judges Whig Party John Marshall Federalists Democratic – Republicans Election of 1800 Era of Good Feelings Republicans Manifest Destiny James K. POLK Market economy Constitution & Bill of Rights Embargo Act of 1807 Gibbons v. Ogden, 1824 Judicial Review Marbury v. Madison, 1803 Panic of 1819 Oregon Treaty, 1846 Panic of 1837 McCulloch v. Maryland 1819 Hartford Convention James Forten Horace Mann Dorothea Dix Frederick Douglass William L Garrison Charles Finney Elizabeth Cady Stanton Slave Codes John Jay Embargo Act of 1807 2 nd Great Awakening Southern Defense of Slavery Seneca Falls Convention John Calhoun Speech Worcester v Georgia 2 nd National Bank of USA Manifest Destiny Indian Removal Act Spoils System Utopian Communities Richard Allen Neoclassicism Hudson River School Henry David Thoreau Ralph Waldo Emerson David Walker Transcendentalism John J Audubon William Lloyd Garrison Sojourner Truth Joe Willie Namath Everything + ELSE + 2 nd Bank of USA, McCulloch v. Maryland

5 1 st Freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, petition 2 nd Right to bear arms 4 th no illegal search and seizure 5 th Due Process, no self-incrimination, no Double Jeopardy, Grand Jury 7 th Trial by Jury 13 th Declared slavery illegal in the USA 14 th Gave citizenship to slaves & “DUE PROCESS” 15 th Slaves/citizens the right to vote – over 21 males only 16 th Creates the Federal Income TAX by us the voters 17 th Direct election of Senators – by us the voters (illegal to drink), VOLSTEAD ACT 18 th Started PROHIBITION (illegal to drink), VOLSTEAD ACT (suffrage) 19 th Provides women the right to vote (suffrage) 20 th Term of President & VP to end on Jan. 20 th every 4 years (Liquor is legal now) 21 st Ends PROHIBITION (Liquor is legal now) 24 th Eliminated POLL TAX as requirement to vote 26 th Extends the right to vote to 18 yr. olds ___ 1. Pearl Harbor attack ___ 2. Cold War ___ 3. World Trade Center terrorist attack ___ 4. Iran-Hostage Crisis ___ 5. Barack Obama elected President ___ 6. World War II ___ 7. Korean War ___ 8. Declaration of Independence ___ 9. USA lands on the moon __ 10. Cuban Missile Crisis __ 11. Sputnik I __ 12. Berlin Wall __ 13. Spanish-American War __ 14. Gilded Age __ 15. World War I __ 16. John F. Kenned y assassinated __ 17. Civil War __ 18. Martin Luther King Jr. assassinated __ 19. Stock Market Crash __ 20. Great Depression __ 21. Vietnam War __ 22. Progressive Era __ 23. U.S. enters WWI

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