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Grant writing 101 The Art of Flawless Packaging Scott K. Powers Department of Applied Physiology and Kinesiology Scott K. Powers Department of Applied.

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Presentation on theme: "Grant writing 101 The Art of Flawless Packaging Scott K. Powers Department of Applied Physiology and Kinesiology Scott K. Powers Department of Applied."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grant writing 101 The Art of Flawless Packaging Scott K. Powers Department of Applied Physiology and Kinesiology Scott K. Powers Department of Applied Physiology and Kinesiology

2 Outline  What makes a good grant? u The art of flawless packaging-step-by-step

3 What makes a good grant? –Scientific need –Important question and good science to answer the question –Trendy science vs. good science – Vertical advancement –Flawless packaging

4 Flawless packaging Well organized Easy to read Good use of illustrations Clean presentation (spacing, etc.) Follow technical rules (font, length, etc) Bottom line-with one read-the reviewer has a clear understanding of your plan

5 Flawless packing- writing u Well organized (start with outline) u Clear, well conceived paragraphs u Logical order for progression of thinking u Avoid jargon-use active voice u Bold important statements for emphasis u Grants are a dialog between PI and reviewer-must be interesting!

6 Flawless packing- graphics u Picture is worth 1000 words! u Figure captions should be brief and clear u Figure size-all axis labels and numbers must be easy to read. u Page layout of text and figures should be appealing to reader (i.e., wrap text around figures) u Should figures use color? u Photographs?

7 Flawless packing-abstract First section of grant read by reviewer Must be clear and interesting Last statement of abstract should stress the importance of work

8 Flawless packing- Specific Aims Second section of grant read by reviewer Must be clear and interesting Most important segment of grant?

9 Flawless packing- Significance MUST explain the importance of problem and the critical barrier to progress that the proposed project addresses Explain how proposed project will improve scientific knowledge Describe how the treatments or interventions that drive the field will be changed if aims are achieved

10 Flawless Packaging Innovation Explain how your application challenges or changes current research or clinical practice Describe novel theoretical concepts or experimental approaches to be used & their advantages Explain refinements, improvements, or new theoretical concepts contained within your application

11 Flawless Packaging Approach (1) Experiments must test the hypotheses proposed Experiments MUST have appropriate control groups and control of confounding variables Justify sample size (power analysis)

12 Flawless Packaging Approach (2) Experimental design must be clear Justify subject selection or animal model used Statistical analysis must be appropriate (use consultant prior to submission)

13 Flawless Packaging Approach (3) Should contain section on results interpretation Discussion of potential pitfalls and alternative approaches Future directions?

14 Flawless Packaging Approach (4) Preliminary data must be compelling and demonstrate proof of concept and your ability to conduct the work Provide adequate methodological detail and references for techniques

15 Flawless Packaging Approach (5) In the new NIH grant format, where does the background fit? Significance or Approach?

16 Flawless Packaging References Cite classic papers Cite recent literature and your contributions to the field CITE YOUR REVIEWERS (if appropriate) Know your reviewers!

17 Flawless Packaging requires a little help from your friends Excellent grants are often the work of several people Ask for advice from experienced colleagues Have many people read your application and provide feedback

18 Last word The secret to flawless packaging of a grant is to start the process early and revise, revise, and revise some more!

19 Summary  Learning to craft fundable grants is a process u Gain experience by serving on a study section u Write and revise, revise…. u Never give up!

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