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IMMIGRANT KIDS Informative Non-fiction with CD PAGE 223 to 233.

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Presentation on theme: "IMMIGRANT KIDS Informative Non-fiction with CD PAGE 223 to 233."— Presentation transcript:

1 IMMIGRANT KIDS Informative Non-fiction with CD PAGE 223 to 233

2 interview A conversation in which facts or statements are drawn from another person, recorded, published

3 primary sources Original first-hand accounts or information Ann Frank, Holocaust

4 secondary sources Descriptions based on primary sources

5 informative non- fiction Provides facts about real people, places, and events

6 main idea Central message the author tries to get across The Holocaust--- the death of approximately six million European Jews during World War II,JewsWorld War II Immigrant Kids- Immigrants experienced poor living conditions.

7 details Support that relates to the main idea Pictures Statistics

8 impoverished Adjective Poor

9 fervent Adjective Having or expressing great warmth or depth of feeling

10 din Noun A loud, confused mixture of noises

11 Indomitable Adjective Unconquerable

12 teeming Adjective Full of people or things

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