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Developing Nacka Henrik Feldhusen Manager sustainable development.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing Nacka Henrik Feldhusen Manager sustainable development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing Nacka Henrik Feldhusen Manager sustainable development

2 Our main responsibilities Education Care for the elderly Care for individuals and families Care for the disabled

3 Key areas for Nacka 2010 - 2014 Work for everybody and supporting business development The situation for children and youth Balanced urban development with good mobility management Reducing climate change and maintaining and developing Nacka's green wealth This must be done in cooperation with both private and public interests.

4 Rapid growth in Nacka 20092010 2011 2014 2019 88 100 89 800 91 900 101 300 113 000

5 Housing construction 2010 - 2014

6 Local greenhouse emissions (kilograms per person)

7 Developing sustainably Nacka is a green and healthy city Main challenge is to maintain and develop these values Sustainability values –Reducing green house emissions and using energy more efficiently –Maintaining and developing the green and blue structures –A healthy, democratic and equal society –Balanced and strong economy Responsibility for sustainability is delegated –Many interesting local initiatives –Central support in communication, reconnaissance, promoting good examples. –Leading in mobility management –The process of setting general goals for the local society is starting now We improve what we have and innovate for the future

8 Examples Energy savings in municipal buildings Clean energy use –District heating –Electricity from small scale hydropower and wind power Mobility management –Travel policy and green travelling for the organisation –Enabling and promoting public transportation –Park and ride –Enabling and promoting biking and walking –Developing a central transportation hub –Plans to improve public transportation –Development of traffic systems and parking

9 Examples Building low energy and zero emission preschools A sustainable development plan for Nacka Investigations into how we can influence new areas and buildings to have high energy performance

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