Gowerton School/ UWTSD ERW PGCE ITE Project. Implementation of collaborative planning and reflection based on the principles of ‘Lesson Study’ Students.

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Presentation on theme: "Gowerton School/ UWTSD ERW PGCE ITE Project. Implementation of collaborative planning and reflection based on the principles of ‘Lesson Study’ Students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gowerton School/ UWTSD ERW PGCE ITE Project

2 Implementation of collaborative planning and reflection based on the principles of ‘Lesson Study’ Students work in pairs to develop planning, teaching and evaluation skills collaboratively Focus is on improving the plan through discussion and enquiry between themselves and with the mentor/link tutor – not judgement Analysis of how and why pupils learn in/effectively in lessons (pedagogical content knowledge) Emphasis on revealing and sharing effective practices between students and staff

3 Intended outcomes/ potential success criteria Better student understanding of the process of lesson planning More purposeful ‘cycles’ of planning, reflection and evaluation More structured student exposure to models of teaching linked to general patterns of student-teacher development or more specific student needs Students more open to developing second/third subject teaching experiences Mentor and colleague CPD through involvement in lesson study approaches

4 What is ‘lesson study’? Based strongly upon Shulman’s notion of ‘pedagogical content knowledge’ Deep knowledge of subject Understanding of curriculum and assessment arrangements Understanding of how pupils learn/misconceive aspects of subject “Lesson study is a breathtakingly simple and common sense way of developing teachers’ practice knowledge i.e. how best to teach x to pupils like y.” “In a lesson study, a group of teachers work together to plan, deliver and analyse a series of ‘research lessons’ or ‘study lessons’ devised to improve the way they teach something or to understand better the way particular learners learn something. They record what they discover or develop and pass this knowledge on to others by demonstration, presentation or written record.” Professor Peter Dudley (2013), Teacher Development Trust

5 Pre-ITE considerations UWTSD will need to prepare PGCE students in: Principles of lesson study Working and reflection as pairs Observation skills relating to teaching Initially acting in the role of a teaching assistant Principles of assessment for learning

6 School considerations Up to 8 students per ITE. Paired across subjects. Close collaboration with Curriculum Manager to coordinate timetables Senior Mentor (SM) might need to incorporate more SM slots to manage student preparation and reflection cycles. Link tutor to meet with students every fortnight to reflect and evaluate on each cycle of training SM to control allocation of students’ classes Students have more opportunities to observe teachers – school’s own ‘triad’ system helps here Possibility of incorporating video assisted reflection. School/parent permissions needed; equipment; students as editors.

7 Considerations/costings Senior mentor covered for any additional sessions Increased reprographics Hosting link tutor for one day per fortnight Improved space and furniture for up to 8 students Involvement of more staff as examples of good practice; SMT & SM to oversee

8 What Term 1 will look like October 12 th – 23rd Induction – delivery of Professional Studies sessions; lesson observations; SM provides 1 st planning session; link tutor to prepare students for reflection; paired students’ timetable to include 1 shared class November 2 nd -13th Pairs plan & deliver 2 lesson starters each; non-teaching student observes/assists within paired lesson; reflect/evaluate with link tutor; SM provides 2 nd planning session November 16 th – 27 th Pairs plan & deliver 2 plenaries each; non-teaching student observes/assists; reflect/evaluate with link tutor; SM provides 3 rd planning session November 30 th – December 11 th Pairs plan & deliver 2 lesson activities each; non-teaching student observes/assists; reflect/evaluate with link tutor; SM provides final planning session December 14 th – 17 th Pairs plan template for ‘perfect’ lesson

9 Evaluation Lesson Assessment Forms show that planning is good or better for most students Improved consistency of mentoring Students develop a shared understanding of principles of effective teaching and learning Scrutiny of student written evaluations shows consistent engagement with targets Improved planning and teaching to focus on identified pupil needs Possible use of video assisted reflection to enhance planning and teaching

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