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COMPUTER CONCEPTS Unit A: Computer and Internet Basics 1.

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Presentation on theme: "COMPUTER CONCEPTS Unit A: Computer and Internet Basics 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMPUTER CONCEPTS Unit A: Computer and Internet Basics 1

2 Exploring how computers Work How do I turn on my Computer?  More than one switch  Monitor  Printer  Speakers  Computer-usually found on the front of the system unit  One switch  Notebook computers  Laptop- on the keyboard 2

3 Exploring how computers Work Why do I need a user ID and password?  Never share your user ID or password with anyone. 3

4 Exploring how computers Work When someone says, “run a program,” what does that mean?  Start a program  Once the program is running  It is ready for you to use. 4

5 Exploring how computers Work How do I tell a computer what I want to do?  You tell a computer what to do by interacting with it.  Use keyboard to type commands and other input.  Use mouse to access menus  Click buttons and icons. Computer input is whaterver is put into a computer system. 5

6 Exploring how computers Work What do computers do with data?  Computer work with data with many ways What is CPU stands for?  Central Processing Unit>>>> The brain of the computer 6

7 Exploring how computers Work Is there a difference between computer memory and computer storage?  Momory is an area of a computer that temprarily holds data waiting to be processed, stored, or output.  Storage is the area of a computer that holds data on a permanent basis when it is not immediately needed for processing 7

8 Exploring how computers Work What are computer Files?  A File is a collection of data that exists on a staorage medium, such as a hard disk, CD, DVD, or flash drive.  A filename provides a clue to its contents.  The file name has two parts: the filename and the file extension.  File extension is composed of the period and letters to the right of the period. 8 Computer.docx File Name Period File Extension

9 Exploring how computers Work What is output and how do I use it?  Output is the processed result produced by a computer, such as reports, documents, music, graphs, and pictures.  Output device displays, prints, says, or otherwise transmit the results of processing. Output Devices:  Monitor  Printer  Speakers 9

10 Exploring how computers Work Do all computers have network and Internet access?  Networking circuitry is useful for constructing a home network, connecting to public networks such as the internet. 10

11 Exploring how computers Work How do I turn off my computer?  Microsoft Windows>>>Satrt button>>> Shut Down.  Apple Macintosh>>> Apple icon>>> Shut Down. 11

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