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Biotechnology Competency 7.11.

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1 Biotechnology Competency 7.11

2 Biotechnology Definition of biotechnology: "...any technique that uses living organisms (or parts of organisms) to make or modify products, to improve plants or animals, or to develop microorganisms for specific use" (Wells, Poszywak, & Dunham, 2000, p. 63).

3 Biotechnology However, biotechnology has also caused society to examine its values by expanding toward the implementation of technologies like "designer babies," replacement limbs and organs grown from stem cells, biological warfare agents, and the artificial extension of life by slowing the aging process.

4 Biotechnology Embryo Embryo discarded after altered stem cell is taken

5 Biological Warfare

6 Biotechnology Areas Environmental Applications
Bioremediation is using organisms in processes that help to clean polluted environments. Biological controls, biosensors, biotreatment, biorestoration, and phytoremediation are all means of using biotechnology to clean or protect the environment.

7 Environmental Applications

8 Agriculture and Biotechnology
Genetically altered crops and animals are among the most significant applications of biotechnology. Genetic engineering has enabled both crop and livestock producers to create improvements to stocks and implement them in one or two generations.

9 Agriculture and Biotechnology
We already eat genetically altered vegetables such as tomatoes Hairless Chicken will save money by decreasing the time and tools used to pluck the hairs off chickens

10 Biotechnology Areas Bioprocessing
Biological organisms are also important in the production of products in industry. Bacteria are especially useful in purification and separation processes. For example, one particular type of bacteria is being used in the mining and refining of gold.

11 Bioprocessing

12 Genetic Engineering Genetic engineering is based on the manipulation of genes (Grace, 1997). Genes hold the blueprint for how every living thing grows, looks, and behaves. If there were two organisms, say bacteria, and each had different but desirable characteristics, then the genes responsible for each characteristic could be combined in one of the organisms.

13 Genetic Engineering

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