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Why job shadow Career Readiness…you never know what is out there unless you go take a look!

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2 Why job shadow Career Readiness…you never know what is out there unless you go take a look!

3 What is required? Today, Tuesday and Wednesday seventh period in-class opportunities to learn about career readiness and get you ready for a job shadow day in Akron Job Shadow day in Akron on Thursday Friday session de-brief

4 AT&T / Junior Achievement AT&T is partnering with Junior Achievement as well as Windham High School to provide this opportunity to our students. AT&T will is providing staff members, their facility, bus transportation grant, and lunch.

5 Session One Research, Research, Research Use 16 US Department of Education Career Clusters Acquire education, training, and skills for the career that interests you Build your personal brand!

6 Session Two Looking for a job Application/Resume Interview

7 Job Site visit AT&T professionals will talk with you about different opportunities that exist You will see a wide variety of opportunities

8 Session Three After you are hired Succeed at work by being professional and ethical…and being a life-long learner!!!

9 Research, Research, Research An important part of researching potential careers is identifying your personal strengths and skills. By knowing your strengths, you can better explore what careers might be best for you; confidently set personal goals; and increase your likelihood of success.

10 Self-Awareness To recognize the special qualities you possess, including your interests, skills, and priorities.

11 Questions to consider Skills: What skills do you have now, and what skills can you gain through training, education and experience? Interests: What do you like to do? What are you passionate about? Work environment priorities: What do you want your daily work experience to be like? Indoors/outdoors? Seated or moving? Exciting or calm? Lots of travel or not? Job Outlook: Who is hiring? Did you know there are thousands of jobs that go unfilled every year because employers cannot find workers with the right skills

12 Career Clusters A grouping of jobs and industries related to skills and products. 16 recognized by the Department of Education

13 Career Cluster Activity

14 What requirements are necessary Bureau of Labor statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook How much education/training is needed? Experience? Technical Skills-examples include Math, graphic design, use of tools, equipment, software, etc…) Soft skills- Personal attributes and abilities not directly tied to a specific job title but which are needed in most jobs. (examples include leadership, flexibility, positive attitude, time management, work ethic)

15 Personal Brand As an employee, you will be offering your employer your personal brand. Companies will want to make sure that your personal brand and theirs are compatible. Personal brands are built slowly over time and if damaged are difficult to rebuild.

16 Session Two: Perfect Match We talked yesterday about: 1.Research, Research, Research 2.Acquire education, training, and skills for the career that interests you 3.Building your personal brand

17 Look for a Job Opening Networking- Building relationships with others who can help you find a job and be successful in your work (friends, neighbors, colleagues, teachers/professors) Elevator Pitch- A brief, high-energy presentation used by companies and individuals to promote their products and themselves.

18 Where to find jobs Want ads On-line Professional publications and websites On-site Be skeptical of any help wanted ad that requires money from you

19 Apply Cover Letter-A job applicant’s written introduction to a potential employer that summarizes the applicant’s strengths and weaknesses. Resume- A written summary of a person’s education, skills, and work experience. Letter of Recommendation- From someone who can attest to your skills and character

20 Interview A formal meeting designed to assess an applicant’s qualifications. Good eye contact, shake hands and thank them for their time. Send a follow up letter

21 After you are hired Ethics- The standards that help determine what is good, right and proper. Professionalism- The behavior and skills expected of a worker in an industry.

22 Activity

23 Human Resources Presentation

24 Session Three Career Assessment online


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