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CEOS WGISS Status: Report to Plenary Martha E. Maiden, Chair Pakorn Apaphant, Vice-Chair Phuket, Thailand November 3 - 4, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "CEOS WGISS Status: Report to Plenary Martha E. Maiden, Chair Pakorn Apaphant, Vice-Chair Phuket, Thailand November 3 - 4, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 CEOS WGISS Status: Report to Plenary Martha E. Maiden, Chair Pakorn Apaphant, Vice-Chair Phuket, Thailand November 3 - 4, 2009

2 WGISS Technology Subgroup Applications Subgroup (External) Interest Groups: WGISS Infrastructure – Martin Yapur Data Utilization – Czaran & Liu Interest Groups: GRID – Shelestov Andrii Sensor Web – Terence Van Zyl Web Services – Lyndon Oleson Int’l Directory Network (IDN) – Lola Olsen WGISS Architecture and Data Contributions – Ken Mcdonald and Yonsook Enloe Interest Groups: Global Datasets – Wyn Cudlip Land Surface Imaging – Lyndon Oleson Atmospheric Composition - Stefan Falke Disaster Response – Lorant Czaran Martha Maiden, NASA, Chair Outgoing Pakorn Apaphant, GISTDA,Chair Incoming Satoko Miura, JAXA, Vice-Chair Incoming Chuang Liu, NRSCC, User Vice-Chair Lorant Czaran, UN, User Vice-Chair Nataliia Kussul, NSAU, Chair Terence Van Zyl, CSIR, Vice-Chair Karen Moe, NASA, Chair Outgoing

3 WGISS Current Focus Current Themes Provide satellite arm of GEO System of Systems – Innovative contributions that will persist, and can be reused Work closely with and support CEOS Virtual Constellations Work closely with and collaborate as appropriate with WGCV Support the CEOS Data Democracy initiative. (Jim Gleason, USA ; Pepijn Veefkind, KNMI)

4 WGISS Accomplishments GRID Interest Group – Support for Disaster and Health Projects and corresponding GEO Tasks [DA-09-02a, DI-06-09, AR-09-01b] Sensor Web Interest Group – Sensor Web Namibian Malaria Prototype is moving forward and will be a demo for GEO Plenary. [AR-09-02C] International Directory Network Interest Group – Climate Diagnostic Portal [CL-06-02_14] – Recommend Mitch Goldberg to demo to CEOS Plenary and GEO Plenary, both in November 2009 – IDN to be utilized in CEOS WGISS Integrated Catalog for GEO Web Services Interest Group – Interest in, and adoption of, Web Services continues to grow. – Security Session held WGISS-28, WGISS to create Security White Paper – Issues with OGC WMS were discovered, and WGISS is pursuing best relationship with OGC for communication and harmonization purposes

5 WGISS Accomplishments, 2 Land Surface Imaging Interest Group – In support of LSI Constellation, LSI Portal in spiral development, now to work with new LSI Study Team Lead Tom Holm [AR-09-02a] – With WGCV, develop plan for including data quality information for LSI-related data and information products (QA4EO) [DA-09-01a] Atmospheric Composition Constellation Interest Group [AR-09-02a] – ‘Value-added’ AC Portal built and demonstrated initial demonstrable capability based on DLR WDC-RSAT and NASA tools, working closely with ACC, Initial capability demonstrated at CEOS and GEO Plenaries. Precipitation Constellation – Continue liaison approach for WGISS collaboration with PC’s GPM Data Working Group (GDaWG) – Sensor Web uses information originating from PC data system for Disaster Response projects Global Datasets Interest Group – GDIG poised to support Global DEM, working closely with WGCV (DA-09-03d Global DEM datasets ) – WGISS will develop plan for Data Quality Web Server (DQW) for Global DEM in cooperation with WGCV and relevant data provider

6 WGISS Accomplishments, 3 WGISS Architecture & Data Contributions – Develop and implement a CEOS WGISS Integrated Catalog (CWIC) prototype for search and discovery of CEOS satellite holdings – Develop information model and search strategies for common, distributed searches – Host team meeting Nov 11-12 in Washington DC [DA-09-01b] with GEO Task DA-09-02a Health SBA and WGISS 3 Candidate WGISS Health Applications identified [HE-09-01] – IDN Health Services Portal – AC Portal applications – Flood Monitoring (Grid and Sensor Web) applications Recommend WGISS presentation at GEOSS Health Workshop Nov. 12-13, 2009 in Washington

7 WGISS Way Forward – 2010 and beyond New CEOP for “Coordinated Energy and water cycle Observations Project” leveraging WTF-CEOP (successfully completed WGISS-26) – Supports Data Integration &Analysis System (DIAS) [DA-09-02a] – JAXA Lead, Prof Koike represents the user community – Leverage WTF-CEOP and identify additional data/datasets and services – Propose to develop Water Community of Practice Portal Contribution to Data Democracy to be enhanced with software packages and training, working closely with WEdu

8 Requested for Plenary Endorsement Updated WGISS 5 Year Plan submitted October 20.

9 Requested Agency Commitments More expertise to WGISS from agency delegations desired in atmospheric composition data systems and services to support ACC IG and new Atmospheric Composition Portal activity. Need European partnership in developing and implementing CWIC. New CEOP for “Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observations Project” leveraging WTF-CEOP seeks collaborating Agencies with services/tools and data/datasets. WGISS-29, hosted by UN-SPIDER, will include a disaster management ‘workshop’ to explore information systems and services needs for disaster response. WGISS seeking presentation at GEOSS Health Workshop Nov. 12-13, 2009 in Washington DC. If not successful (again), recommend tabling WGISS role in Health GEO tasks, although individual applications may pursue the Health SBA.

10 WGISS Summary Current Themes Provide satellite arm of GEO System of Systems – Innovative contributions that will persist, and can be reused Work closely with and support Virtual Constellations Work closely with collaborate with WGCV Support the Data Democracy initiative. Status GEOSS contributions Climate Diagnostics Portal, LSI Portal, Disaster Response, WGISS Architecture & Data Contributions Constellations support for LSI, ACC, and engaged with PC Areas of interest, cooperation with WGCV: Global Datasets, Data Quality Contribution to Data Democracy to be enhanced with software and training (Jim Gleason, USA ; Pepijn Veefkind, KNMI)

11 WGISS Synergy

12 New Chair is coming (soon)

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