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Interjections by: Isaac Butterfield and Chase Lindsey.

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Presentation on theme: "Interjections by: Isaac Butterfield and Chase Lindsey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interjections by: Isaac Butterfield and Chase Lindsey

2 What is an interjection ?  An interjection is a word or phrase that expresses strong emotion like anger, surprise, joy or disgust.  Ex: BANG, POW, OH MY, NO, ZAP, BAM, SWISH, GOAL, HOME RUN,AND WHOOSH

3 how do you use an interjection when an interjection is used their should be an exclamation mark following it and it should be capitalized. EX. No! you can not do that. EX. Bang! what was that? EX. Crash! the shelves all fell to the floor

4 How do you use interjections when speaking or reading  When you are reading or speaking and you or the character is excited you would not say it like you were bored you would say it excitedly or angrily or how ever the interjection is being used. for example I would not say, Yes we are going to Hawaii I would say, YES! we're going to Hawaii.

5 correct interjections and incorrect interjections correct interjections  Bang!  Crash!  Pow!  Ewe!  Wow!  Yes!  No!  These are how interjections are supposed to be used because they are capitalized and have correct punctuation Incorrect interjections  bang  pow  crash  ewe  wow  smack  zap  These are how interjections are used incorrectly they are not capitalized and do not have punctuation.

6 Video  Schoolhouse Rock Video  X_lr6ECGXKrag&safe=active X_lr6ECGXKrag&safe=active

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