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9 th grade August 3, 2015 Please get out your notebook and your Independent Reading Project Directions and book. Get ready to take notes on punctuation.

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Presentation on theme: "9 th grade August 3, 2015 Please get out your notebook and your Independent Reading Project Directions and book. Get ready to take notes on punctuation."— Presentation transcript:

1 9 th grade August 3, 2015 Please get out your notebook and your Independent Reading Project Directions and book. Get ready to take notes on punctuation rules.

2 Periods

3 Rule #1 – Use a period at the end of all declarative sentences and most imperative sentences. ex. The waters around Monterey Bay contain sharks. (Declarative) ex. Swim with caution. (Imperative)

4 Rule #2 – Use periods at the end of most indirect questions. ex. The lifeguard asked whether any sharks had been spotted in the area. (Indirect) ex. Have any sharks been spotted in the area? (Direct)

5 Rule #3 – Use a period after each number or letter in an outline or list.

6 Rule #4 – Use a period at the end of most abbreviations or initials.

7 Question Marks

8 Rule #1 – Use a question mark at the end of an interrogative sentence or after a question that is not a complete sentence. Interrogative sentence – Has the demand for shark fins resulted in overfishing? Incomplete question – The truth? Some shark species have been overfished.

9 Exclamation Points

10 Rule #1 – Use an exclamation point after a strong interjection. Rule #2 – Use an exclamation point at the end of an exclamatory sentence. Rule #3 – Use an exclamation point after an imperative sentence that expresses strong emotion. ex. Wow! What sharp teeth he has! Get away!

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