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“Club Development” Is it the panacea for achieving London 2012 Olympics Legacy of increasing and sustaining sporting participation ? DF Simkins: Community.

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Presentation on theme: "“Club Development” Is it the panacea for achieving London 2012 Olympics Legacy of increasing and sustaining sporting participation ? DF Simkins: Community."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Club Development” Is it the panacea for achieving London 2012 Olympics Legacy of increasing and sustaining sporting participation ? DF Simkins: Community Sport/Leisure Solutions

2 “Club Development” as a Panacea – Review & Analysis: Understanding the concept of sports clubs and their potential to be a major tool in increasing sports participation London 2012 Legacy Vision and Objectives Sports Clubs, their structures, Issues and involvement National Governing Bodies of Sports and Sport England Change Thinking DF Simkins: Community Sport/Leisure Solutions

3 “Club Development” as a Panacea – The Methodology: Semi structured questioning approach with eight different sports clubs in Worcester Same questioning with each sports club Either a coach or committee members of each club involved Observation Use of research and literature DF Simkins: Community Sport/Leisure Solutions

4 “Club Development” As a Panacea – The Findings: Sports Clubs Not equipped to meet the increases in demand Funding, costs and infrastructure still issues post 2012 as is the support and direction from NGB’s Austerity measures, cut backs and leisure facility management pressures has big impact on sports clubs reliant on local authority facilities in respect to survival let alone increasing opportunity Forward thinking business sports plan approaches with the Governing Bodies of Sports and Local Authority Leisure Provision could be embraced DF Simkins: Community Sport/Leisure Solutions

5 “Club Development” As a Panacea - The Findings: Sports Clubs Link and develop sports clubs so that commitment and loyalty can be provided for along side the opportunity to consume sport as a participant Improving facilities, quality coaching, flexibility of sessions, competitions and pathways are key to sustaining club structures and increasing participation Sports Clubs understood the added value of considering the multi sport model, all were still though pursuing individual development models. Old habits die hard or affinity and loyalty to a sport outweighs ? Some clubs embracing social capital and big society as development tools No strategic sports club development strategy for Worcester. Opportunity still driven by individual clubs rather than co-ordinated approach DF Simkins: Community Sport/Leisure Solutions

6 “Club Development” as a Panacea – The Findings: NGB’s & Sport England Apart from the Rowing Club, the lack of NGB support and strategic direction was cited as an issue by sports clubs before and post 2012 Felt they had to come up with own coping strategies. Karate Club felt isolated because their was not a overarching NGB and the Olympic version bore little resemblance so enthused would not find delivery of what they had seen Post games enthusiasm could have been built on if Sport England Whole Sports Plans prior to 2012 had adopted club development legacy approaches DF Simkins: Community Sport/Leisure Solutions

7 “Club Development” as a Panacea – The Findings: Change Thinking Sport and Recreation Alliance Survey (2013) indicates adult participation uptake had increased prior to 2012 but not noticeably post 2012. Only one in ten (13%) surveyed clubs had in fact new membership increased and retained following the games From a Worcester perspective only Rowing and Athletics indicated a sustained increase Given the 2012 Games high profile and media exposure, as a top down catalyst approach local Worcester clubs felt it had not worked Karate, Gymnastics and Hockey felt the coverage was not adequate or transmitted when mass audiences watching DF Simkins: Community Sport/Leisure Solutions

8 “Club Development” as a panacea – Change Thinking: Local sports clubs argue that any sustained legacy is down to tried and trusted methods Increase of interest and wanting to participate on Rowing Club became negative and distabalising with coaches and volunteers taken away from the development and performance areas. Long standing and talented rowers neglected and results suffering All local clubs see issues in providing for the disabled, there is willingness but not the capacity yet DF Simkins: Community Sport/Leisure Solutions

9 “Club Development” as a Panacea – Conclusions: The sports club network is and will continue to be a key element of sports legacy planning and increased participation. On this occasion the sports club structure was not ready to be a key part of the legacy approach. This is a lesson that needs heeded with other national events/tournaments on the horizon It does however need to embrace change and those that do innovate, create new partnership approaches etc will be in good positions to sustain and develop their sports The forging of closer links and clearer partnership working between NGB’s and their sports clubs is a must DF Simkins: Community Sport/Leisure Solutions

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