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Introducing America’s Ideals. Introduction:  Declaration of Independence:  Thomas Jefferson : “all men are created equal with certain unalienable rights”

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing America’s Ideals. Introduction:  Declaration of Independence:  Thomas Jefferson : “all men are created equal with certain unalienable rights”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing America’s Ideals

2 Introduction:  Declaration of Independence:  Thomas Jefferson : “all men are created equal with certain unalienable rights”  Life  Liberty  The Pursuit of Happiness  Thomas Jefferson envisioned a nation based on ideals  These ideals have evolved since Jefferson introduced them

3 Founding Ideals: Equality  Throughout all history people have been divided unequally  Set into social classes  Some people have more wealth or power than others  In 1776 equality meant that all men were equal under God  Slaves????

4 Equality  America has made great progress to ensure equality  Civil Rights, LBGT Rights recently  Slavery abolished in 1865  1920: women's right to vote  America is equal in opportunity not equal in condition  What does this mean?  Can we achieve equality of condition? How?

5 The Founding Ideals: Rights  Rights are powers or privileges granted to the people by law  People have natural rights when they are born  Life, liberty and property  Government must protect these rights  U.S. Constitutions Bill of Rights  First 10 Amendments to the Constitution  Are these rights enough? Should we have more economic and social rights like the right to free health care?

6 The Founding Ideals: Liberty  Liberty  Freedom  “Give me liberty or give me death”  Political, religious and civil freedoms  There is no absolute liberty  We must follow laws and respect others liberties as well.  To what extent do we have freedom of speech? Should we be able to say anything we please even if it hurts others?  Should liberty be limited to protect the greater good?

7 The Founding Ideals: Opportunity  Jefferson said we have the right to the pursuit of happiness  What does that mean?  Chance for people to pursue their hopes and dreams without prohibition by the government  Economic opportunity: minimum wage, job opportunities  Do some have more opportunities than others? Is there a level playing field?

8 The Founding Ideals: Democracy  Democracy : power to rule comes from the consent of the governed  The definition of the “governed” has changed over time  Originally only white property owning men  It took women more than 100 years to be heard  Today any citizen 18 or older can vote  Why do so many Americans choose to not vote?

9 American Ideals  American Ideals have helped shape our country from 1776 until today  Keep these ideals in mind when we analyze American history throughout this course.  How do these American ideals impact you on a day to day basis?  What does it mean to be an American?

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