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Objective-In the United States, people have rights which protect them from undue governmental interference. Rights carry responsibilities which help define.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective-In the United States, people have rights which protect them from undue governmental interference. Rights carry responsibilities which help define."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective-In the United States, people have rights which protect them from undue governmental interference. Rights carry responsibilities which help define how people use their rights and which require respect for the rights of others. 32 Days

2 Essential Question What are American values and institutions?

3 Partner Questions 1. What do people of a nation share as citizens?
Citizens share a common history, common customs, and common values. They agree to follow a set of rules and accept the government’s authority. 2. What impact do American values have on society? Values influence the way Americans think and act, how they vote, and how they create rules of order.

4 Basic American Values What is good and what is bad
General principles or beliefs you use to make these judgments are your values. Common values-freedom, equality, opportunity, justice, democracy, unity, respect, tolerance, etc.

5 Shared Values Unite Americans
Example-source of American unity is a common civic and political heritage based on the country’s founding documents Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights Life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness Popular Sovereignty-government by the consent of the governed Fair, free, and regular elections Equal justice under the law Majority rule through people’s representatives in government

6 Shared Values Unite Americans
Single language-English Generally accepted as primary means of communication Freely communicate NO Law officially designates language What are other values have helped unite Americans throughout history?

7 American Institutions
Family-most important in every society It produces new generations, socializes the young, offers care and affection, and provides economic support Parents and caregivers are also transmitters of values, both personal and national, to their children

8 American Institutions
Religious institutions such as churches, temples, and mosques can promote social unity and provide a sense of meaning and belonging Education institutions at all levels reflect our society’s culture, history, and learning, create a common identity, and promote personal growth and development

9 American Institutions
Social institutions such as clubs and volunteer service organizations, can be another way we share our common values Government institutions were created and have developed over time based on important American values.

10 Partner Question What do you think is the most important source of American unity? Explain your answer. Draw a line at the bottom of your notes. Write your “Summary” at the bottom of your notes.

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