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Licensing in a Multi- Platform World Mike Greehan, Cue Ball LLC.

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Presentation on theme: "Licensing in a Multi- Platform World Mike Greehan, Cue Ball LLC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Licensing in a Multi- Platform World Mike Greehan, Cue Ball LLC

2 Our Panel of Experts Archana Pillai, Ogaan Publications Ruth Feldman, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Piyush Sharma, Media Transasia India Massimo Monti, Hubert Burda Media India

3 Four Recent Trends in Multi-Platform Licensing

4 Recent Trends in Multi-Platform Licensing 1. The Multi-Platform world creates more opportunities to reach and interact with audiences and to monetize those.

5 Recent Trends in Multi-Platform Licensing 2. Licensors from Europe and the U.S. have been using multi-platform strategies for years in their home territories and now want their licensees and partners to do the same.

6 Recent Trends in Multi-Platform Licensing 3. Some Licensees report feeling pressure (from Licensors) to use platforms that the licensees aren’t comfortable with yet … But this is an opportunity to learn from licensors what has worked for them and why.

7 Recent Trends in Multi-Platform Licensing 4. Pricing/Licensing models are changing Originally Different fees for each platform Minimum guarantees are too often all that is collected More Revenue Share models More flat Royalty or Revenue Share % deals across multiple platforms

8 BPA “BPA shows a clear increase in the number of channels reported by the brands we audit. What was recently just one channel (print) per brand now averages 4.5 channels per brand.”

9 B2B Publisher “As far as we are concerned, it is now a multi-platform world, and any license partner has to understand that and build a business plan based on that model. That being said, this situation has made it much tougher to find good partners.” “An alarming number of existing, traditional publishers, have not yet figured out the multi-platform reality. We don't want to partner with them, as they will eventually hit the wall and wind up playing catch-up. On the other hand many startups have difficulty finding the money that it takes to build the sophisticated online products that our customers in the tech space expect.”

10 B2B Publisher “We find many publishers also have not yet embraced the events space, which for B2B publishers is so important today. I often point out IDG India (an owned and operated company) that this year is producing 75% of revenue from events. Print has shrunk dramatically, online is growing nicely but off of a small base, and the bridge is events.”

11 Consumer Publisher " We are now far more enthusiastic than we used to be about encouraging our partners to use multiple platforms and in some cases existing as a digital brand only and no longer publishing a magazine. "We would probably be less inclined to work with a prospective partner that didn't have an appetite for utilizing multiple platforms"

12 Consumer Publisher “For key brands at the moment we are only signing licenses that are launched simultaneously on at least 5 platforms: Magazine, website, ipad/Android replica, Facebook and Twitter feeds (or local equivalents).” “I am not keen to sign off business plans that don’t have these components at the moment.”

13 Licensor turned licensee "Previously, as a licensor, I was always interested to hear about my partners' plans for multi-platform extensions of my brand. However, given the relatively small size of digital advertising in most markets, I was always very conscious that this was going to be quite small beer financially. There was also a growing sense that, in the longer term, we may not have needed a partner to operate a digital platform for our brand. Now, as a licensee, I face the flip-side of this issue. I do have some potential partners who are pushing me to take rights across multiple platforms but the market opportunity is not quite here yet to make this work. Nevertheless, it is clearly the future of our business and ring-fencing these rights feels like a sensible move. I think overall there is still a bit of a disconnect between licensors - who are generally operating in countries with very well-developed digital markets - and licensees, where this opportunity may still be emerging."

14 Now let’s ask the Experts Archana Pillai, Ogaan Publications Ruth Feldman, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Piyush Sharma, Media Transasia India Massimo Monti, Hubert Burda Media India Moderator: Mike Greehan, Cue Ball LLC

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