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By Jack London Vocabulary for pg. 169. ACADEMIC WORDS: Use these words in all your subject classes.

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Presentation on theme: "By Jack London Vocabulary for pg. 169. ACADEMIC WORDS: Use these words in all your subject classes."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Jack London Vocabulary for pg. 169

2 ACADEMIC WORDS: Use these words in all your subject classes.

3 decline (verb) MEANING EXAMPLE to turn something down or refuse it * I had to decline Claire’s invitation because I had another obligation. * Journal #1: I should always decline _________________ because I know it is not good for me.

4 exceed (verb) MEANING EXAMPLE to be greater or better than something else Lois thinks sales of the group’s new album will exceed those of the previous one. Journal #2: I plan to exceed my test scores from last year.

5 presumption (noun) MEANING EXAMPLE something you think must be true Chloe’s presumption that all petite people wish they were taller is ridiculous. * Journal #3: My presumption is that all students think ________________________.

6 SELECTION WORDS: These words are key to understanding this selection.

7 affirm (verb) MEANING EXAMPLE to approve something or say it is true * If anyone asks, I will affirm that Byron is telling the truth so he won’t get into trouble. Journal #4: I can affirm that I am in 8 th grade because _____________________.

8 arrogance (noun) MEANING EXAMPLE behavior that is conceited or too proud Thinking you are right all the time is just plain arrogance. Journal # 5: Arrogance is one of my _______________ favorite qualities about a person.

9 burden (noun) MEANING EXAMPLE something that is heavy and hard to carry With all the books I have to take home today, my backpack is a real burden. Journal #6: _____________ is a burden to me because _____________________.

10 cunningly (adverb) MEANING EXAMPLE in a clever, sneaky way I didn’t want Serena to know I wrote the note, so I cunningly altered my handwriting. Journal #7: The __________________ cunningly slipped the note on the girl’s desk.

11 prosperous (adjective) MEANING EXAMPLE to be successful; to have wealth Caleb knows he’ll have to work hard if he wants to be prosperous. Journal # 8:_______________ is a very prosperous business.

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