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The road to zero carbon Sustainable Schools in the UK Pot do ničelnih ogljikovih izpustov Trajnostna arhitektura šol v Veliki Britaniji Jane Briginshaw.

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Presentation on theme: "The road to zero carbon Sustainable Schools in the UK Pot do ničelnih ogljikovih izpustov Trajnostna arhitektura šol v Veliki Britaniji Jane Briginshaw."— Presentation transcript:

1 The road to zero carbon Sustainable Schools in the UK Pot do ničelnih ogljikovih izpustov Trajnostna arhitektura šol v Veliki Britaniji Jane Briginshaw

2 “Our generation is the first to knowingly degrade the environment at the expense of children.” “This is not going to be straightforward but if there is one sector that must show the way then it should be schools, at the heart of our communities, especially given the scale of the replacement programmes". Robin Nicholson, CBE, Chair of Zero Carbon Task Force, Edward Cullinan Architects “…failure to act now on reducing carbon emissions works directly against children’s interests.”

3 The Prime Minister, Gordon Brown Building Schools for the Future (BSF) is the biggest-ever school buildings investment programme. The aim is to rebuild or renew nearly every secondary school in England. “…this isn’t just about bricks and mortar. Building Schools for the Future is a catalyst for transformation.” The Prime Minister, Gordon Brown

4 Basic Facts 7 Million pupils 23,000 Schools 19,500 primary and 3,500 secondary Funding Six-fold increase in real terms since 1996-97 £683 million in 1996-97 £6.4 billion in 2007-08 £8.2 billion by 2010-11

5 We have been working on this for a while All newly constructed schools 60% carbon emissions reductions – BREEAM Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method for School Buildings Zero Carbon task force

6 How schools become Zero Carbon

7 Implementation – the “Roadmap” To address: Behaviour change & awareness raising Curriculum focus on performance measurement Design and construction/procurement New ways of meeting energy demand Low energy ICT Roles, skills and training Measurement and monitoring, POE and disseminating lessons learned

8 Progress made Smart meter offer and awareness raising Exemplar projects, Lessons learned from existing schools and one school pathfinders (Review of BSF processes?) POE pilot work Refurb scope. Positive links with Eco Towns and other Govt initiatives




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