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Expectations of Participants During our time together, Religious Youth Service participants and staff live in a community. This requires certain standards.

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Presentation on theme: "Expectations of Participants During our time together, Religious Youth Service participants and staff live in a community. This requires certain standards."— Presentation transcript:


2 Expectations of Participants


4 During our time together, Religious Youth Service participants and staff live in a community. This requires certain standards and norms. To accomplish the goals of the project, each person is expected to live according to these norms. Failure to do so can result in being dismissed from the program. We do not expect this drastic measure to be needed since participants agreed to these norms before coming to the project and they are basic to people of faith and good character.

5 Be Respectful

6 Religious Youth Service is a program in which all can learn from each other. The basis of the RYS service-learning experience is mutual respect.


8 Treat others as you would like to be treated. Each participant should show respect to each individual.. Respect should also be given to each religion, culture, and nationality.

9 Most of the leadership positions are filled with people who have been selected because they have something special to offer to the program. We have not yet had a “perfect” leadership team, so we ask that you respect and support them. This respect should be mutual.

10 RYS is a unique opportunity to build friendships with a wide variety of people. If you focus only on one person or one group of people, you will miss out on many learning opportunities. Exclusive relationships between men and women keep people from making new friends. They also create an atmosphere of exclusion instead of inclusion.

11 RYS is an experiential learning opportunity. You will gain the most benefit if you are present at each activity.

12 We may have different approaches to time depending on our culture, The RYS standard calls for all participants to show respect to the project and to each other by being on time.

13 Be Considerate

14 Playing loud music when people are trying to sleep, putting dirty laundry on the floor, and leaving a messy bathroom have negative effects on others. Think about how your actions impact others and avoid doing things that impact others in a negative way.

15 This is illegal in many places and/or unacceptable for most people of faith.

16 For those who MUST, please smoke outside and away from others.

17 Some clothes are a distraction to people of the opposite sex. Some cultures have a strong sense of modesty in dress and behavior. What may be normal to you may be “out of bounds” in the local culture.

18 Learn who is the best person to talk to for the appropriate need. Bring your suggestions, comments, and needs to the appropriate person.

19 We ask all participants to acknowledge their agreement with these expectations We will do all we can to maintain these standards during our time together. Failure to live by these rules will be addressed by the staff, and anyone who will not comply may be dismissed from the project.

20 Religious Youth Service A project of the Universal Peace Federation +1 (914) 631-1331 x107

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