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Aaa Terrence Higgins Trust Rob Tocknell Terrence Higgins Trust.

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Presentation on theme: "Aaa Terrence Higgins Trust Rob Tocknell Terrence Higgins Trust."— Presentation transcript:

1 aaa Terrence Higgins Trust Rob Tocknell Terrence Higgins Trust

2 aaa Established in 1982 following the death of Terry Higgins 25 th anniversary this year. To support people living with HIV To support people with other aspects of sexual health To work with initiatives to prevent HIV and STI transmission To lobby for support for HIV as a cause

3 aaa Biggest HIV and Sexual Health charity in Europe 28 Offices in England, Scotland and Wales Employ around 300 people and have around 500 volunteers

4 aaa HIV/AIDS HIV Human Immuno-deficiency Virus AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

5 aaa Transmission Quantity – HIV needs to be present Quality – Good quality virus (only blood, semen, vaginal fluid and breast milk) Route – for the virus to get from the bodily fluid of the HIV+ve person to the bodily fluid of the negative person Even if exposure happens it is not certain that transmission will take place

6 aaa What Makes HIV Different Stigma Stereotypes and Presumptions Impact on Family and Friends Multiple Illnesses Issues for Partners Criminalisation Affects the communities already marginalised

7 aaa There is no stigma anymore!

8 aaa Global Epidemiology 40 million people are living with HIV that’s 11,000 new infections every day 25 million people have died of AIDS since 1981 (population of UK approx 60 million) 2,000 young people are infected every day There are 15 million AIDS orphans, 12 million in Africa.

9 aaa UK statistics Estimated 70,000 adults are living with HIV 32% were unaware of their infection. 8,000 new diagnoses of HIV a year 16 people in the UK are diagnosed HIV+ every day That’s one every 70 minutes Over 22,951 diagnoses of AIDS of which at least 17,482 have died

10 aaa Around 25,000 people in Britain do not know that they have the virus that’s 32% Calling on the Department of Health to set a target to reduce the percentage of people whose HIV infection has not been diagnosed from 32% to 25% by 2012. ‘Get it on’ National condom use campaign, encouraging education and use of condoms. National Campaigns

11 aaa What we do Prevention – information, training, outreach work Support – advice, counselling, groups Clinical Services – testing services for HIV and STIs Lobbying, fundraising, awareness raising Health Promotion

12 aaa A Case Study - John HIV Hepatitis C Alcohol Misuse Depression Suicidal Not Sleeping Housing Issues Discrimination Needs – support, advice care Requesting help Wants – to give up alcohol

13 aaa What Happened! GUM referred to GP GP referred to Statutory Drug and Alcohol agency and Psychiatrist Agency referred to GUM Psychiatrist refused to see because HIV present All issues must relate to HIV !!! THT case workers able to link services and assist John in getting his needs met.

14 aaa What we really do………. Tom 15 HIV positive since birth ? Should he tell school mates ?Will he ever have a girlfriend THT work with Tom about how he can disclose his status and the importance of using condoms when he begins to have sex.

15 aaa What we really do………. Sara Sara has two children who are 6 and 8. Everyone at the children’s school has now found out that Sara is HIV positive. Now no one is allowed to come to Sara’s house to play with her children. THT works with the school to inform the parents there is no risk of their children getting HIV from Sara’s house

16 aaa Essex Services 2 Centres Southend Colchester Case work, Health Promotion, Counselling, Advice, therapies support groups, advocacy, training, information. Cover the whole of Essex

17 aaa Thank you THT Direct Helpline – 0845 1221 200

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