European Care Licence Basic European Social Care Learning Outcomes (BESCLO)

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Presentation on theme: "European Care Licence Basic European Social Care Learning Outcomes (BESCLO)"— Presentation transcript:

1 European Care Licence Basic European Social Care Learning Outcomes (BESCLO)

2 The BESCLO… What is it? The BESCLO outlines the main areas of learning a student will undertake, and the learning outcomes they must achieve in order to be awarded the certificate.

3 Entry requirements Learners do not need to have previous experience in the social care sector Learners do not need to be in employment Learners do not need to have achieved any previous qualification Learners do need to have a basic level of literacy (reading and writing) in their own language Learners must be a minimum of 16 years of age

4 BESCLO: 8 main areas The values of social care Promote life quality for the individuals you support Working with risk Understand your role as a care worker Safety at work Communicating positively Recognise and respond to abuse and neglect Develop as a worker

5 1. The values of social care Individuality, rights, choice, privacy, independence, dignity, respect and partnership Promote equal opportunities Understand and respect diversity Understand importance of confidentiality Understand limits of confidentiality

6 2. Promote life quality for the individuals you support History, preferences, wishes, needs, abilities Everything needs to be based around the person you support Enable individuals to control their own lives

7 3. Working with risk Individuals you support have the right to take risks Identify main principles in risk assessment Dilemma between right to take risks and ‘duty of care’ Understand own responsibilities in relation to managing risk Know how to inform people of identified risks

8 4. Understand your role as a care worker Value working in partnership with unpaid carers/advocates/… Importance of good teamwork Follow policies and objectives of the organisation you work for Understand responsibilities and limits of the relationship with user Be reliable and dependable

9 5. Safety at work Know how: – To store and dispose substances that are harmful to health – To assess risks in relation to moving people/objects – Safe moving techniques – What you are allowed to do as regards moving – To promote fire safety – Response to illness or accident – Basic emergency first aid techniques – Main routes of infection – Prevent spread of infection – Wash hands properly – To keep workplaces secure – Personal safety and wellbeing in work

10 6. Communicating positively Know what motivates people to communicate Recognise barriers to communication Understand behaviour as form of communication Understand basics of verbal/non-verbal communication Understand how to use touch to promote communication or when touch is not appropriate Know how to record information that is understandable Understand importance of record keeping

11 7. Recognise and respond to abuse and neglect Knowledge about physical-, sexual-, emotional-, financial-, institutional abuse, self-neglect,… Recognise signs and symptoms Understand need to report Know when and how to report Know how to respond to disclosure of abuse First responsibility is safety of person Know how and when to report operational difficulties Know how and when and duty to report about practice of colleagues which may be unsafe

12 8. Develop as a worker Gain skills and knowledge Know how to use internal/external supervision Know symptoms of stress Understand how to avoid/deal with negative stress at work

13 Assessment of BESCLO One of the considerations of the pilots has to be that participants have been assessed to an agreed and consistent standard and that standard is quality assured and therefore transferable across Europe. The ECC project team think the best way to do this is through a multiple choice questionnaire which could be translated and used in all countries, therefore testing the knowledge learned in a consistent way.

14 Contact us EASPD (European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities) Luk Zelderloo & Jelle Reynaert Oudergemselaan 63 1040 Brussels Belgium Phone: +32 2 282 46 10 E-mail: Website: &

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