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Skills for Life Support for World Class Skills Safeguarding and Equality and Diversity.

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1 Skills for Life Support for World Class Skills Safeguarding and Equality and Diversity

2 Skills for Life Support for World Class Skills Safeguarding There are two main aspects to safeguarding and promoting welfare of children and vulnerable adults. These are: minimising risks and taking all appropriate actions to address concerns; and actively promoting the concept of the safe learner.

3 Skills for Life Support for World Class Skills Safeguarding in practice will align with the five Every Child Matters outcomes, ensuring services help children and vulnerable adults as far as possible to be: –healthy; –stay safe; –enjoy and achieve; –make a positive contribution to the world around them; and –achieve economic well-being.

4 Skills for Life Support for World Class Skills Inspection and responsibility New inspection judgements on safeguarding will be wider than protection in relation to individual children and vulnerable adults. Safeguarding will limit the overall grade which can be achieved. They will include issues like learner health and safety, bullying, meeting medical needs and provider security arrangements.

5 Skills for Life Support for World Class Skills How can we ensure the safety of staff and learners? Ensure committed to working with local safeguarding boards, other social care partnerships and providers to develop effective practice and staff training Have a clear statement for all learners and staff indicating zero tolerance of abuse and other harmful behaviours Have a risk-management system that will ensure learner safety and security in all situations.

6 Skills for Life Support for World Class Skills Have the right policies and procedures in place, and understand their statutory duties to assist the appropriate authorities on safeguarding issues Ensure that employers taking vulnerable people on long term work experience understand the safeguarding practice they need to put in place

7 Skills for Life Support for World Class Skills are committed to training all staff at all levels on safeguarding and that training opportunities are available, including as part of induction listen to learners, respond to their concerns, and include them in developing safeguarding partnerships, policies and procedures and evaluating their effectiveness.

8 Skills for Life Support for World Class Skills Definition of vulnerable adult A vulnerable adult is someone who is over 18 yrs and who is unable to take care of themselves or protect themselves from others due to old age, a disability or mental health issues. (Law Commission)

9 Skills for Life Support for World Class Skills Responding to a disclosure Do remain calm and try not to show shock or disbelief. Do listen carefully and reassure the person that you will treat the information seriously. Do explain that you are required to tell your line manager but not other staff or learners. Do write a record of what you have been told, use their words, make a note of the setting, time, and sign and date the record. You are the alerter i.e. pass on any concerns to your line manager or the manager of the venue where you work.

10 Skills for Life Support for World Class Skills Whos being safeguarded? LearnersStaff

11 Skills for Life Support for World Class Skills E&D We aim for Equality and Diversity to be promoted in everything we do so all staff have a responsibility to promote inclusion and understanding the learning needs of other staff and learners.

12 Skills for Life Support for World Class Skills Promoting E&D How we meet the needs of staff and learners

13 Skills for Life Support for World Class Skills E&D is also a limiting judgement

14 Skills for Life Support for World Class Skills Additional resources Safer Practice, Safer learning ISBN 978-1-84478-953-5 Information leaflets / posters, Niace ISBN 978-84478-954-2

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