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Greetings and welcome… 1 CS113 Welcome to our Kaplan (CS113) class and Unit 1 Seminar. The class is Academic Strategies for the Business Professional.

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Presentation on theme: "Greetings and welcome… 1 CS113 Welcome to our Kaplan (CS113) class and Unit 1 Seminar. The class is Academic Strategies for the Business Professional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greetings and welcome… 1 CS113 Welcome to our Kaplan (CS113) class and Unit 1 Seminar. The class is Academic Strategies for the Business Professional. Many are new to the online platform. Do not be nervous. We all have been there at one time or other. Your instructor and peers want to see you succeed. I recommend you find a study partner to encourage you and help you through any rough spots in reaching your goal. STAY ON TARGET!

2 Your facilitator/instructor My name is Dr. Denhard. I will serve as your class facilitator/instructor over the next 10 weeks. Please feel free to call me Professor or Dr. D. I am looking forward to getting to know you, reading your work, and being a part of building your management skills. Email: AIM: drdenhard My office hours can be found on the syllabus. CS113 2

3 Academic Strategies Unit 1 CS113 Agenda Overview-Listen to Kali Course Reading (Unit Outcomes, To-do-list, Academic Tools, & EXTRA! EXTRA-Survival Tips!) Unit Reading (Course Home, Syllabus, Atomic Learning, etc.) Reading (Files in the Doc Sharing tab area) Discussion-Part 1: Introduce yourself; Part 2: First time experience from a given selection Assignment-Scavenger Hunt Seminar (Each Unit has a Case Study. Come prepared Read Case Study PRIOR to attending Seminars. Know the answer to the Case Study questions.) CS113 3

4 Academic Strategies Objectives Demonstrate basic critical reading, writing, and reasoning skills Use a variety of personal management tools and strategies to enhance learning Use problem solving skills to increase academic and professional proficiency Identify career paths and goals GEL-1.1: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard American English CS113 4

5 Unit 1 Objectives (Outcomes) Navigate successfully through the course Use the discussion to introduce yourself and take the (Keirsey) KTS-II Assessment to learn a little about yourself Recognize course expectations and course policies CS113 5

6 Unit 1 To-do-list Read items under Course Home (Syllabus, Atomic Learning, & Virtual Office) Read ALL available Announcements Read ALL available files under Doc Sharing Listen to Kali in Unit 1 Complete the Unit 1 Reading (Online or PDF) Read the Unit 1 Overview (pages 1-6) Respond to the Unit 1 Discussion (2 Parts) and do the Keirsey Assessment Attend the Weekly Unit 1 Seminar Complete the Unit 1 Assignment: Scavenger Hunt Check out the Extra! Extra! Tab in Unit 1 (Listen to a student testimonial) Read the tab called Academic Tools (See Online Communication Guidelines, Plagiarism & Citing Sources, and Grade-Book Guide) Find a study partner by looking at the posts on Unit 1/Part 1 discussion and connect with similar temperaments found from the Keirsey Assessment. Are you a Guardian, an Idealist, an Artisans, or Rational? CS113 6

7 Any general class questions? 7 CS113

8 How well do you know your fellow classmates? What have you learned about a fellow classmate? What is their first name? Have you found a study partner with the same Keirsey Assessment temperament? CS113 8

9 Student Orientation Please be sure to review the new student orientation if you have not already done so. It is important that you know how to navigate your way through the eCollege platform. CS113 9

10 Live Unit Seminar’s Wednesday’s, 7:00PM-8:00PM (EST) It is not unusual for a student (or instructor) to get “booted” out of a seminar, so please don’t panic. If this happens to you, be patient and just do your best to get right back in. Technology isn’t always dependable. Call Kaplan tech support if you continue to have problems. If I get “booted” out, someone just take the lead until I can return. No need to re-announce yourself when coming back into Seminar. Try to catch-up with the topic at hand. 10 CS113

11 Seminar Rules When I ask a question, by all means, if you know the answer— just jump in and type your answer. You do not have to raise your hand or ask permission to answer. However, when you need our attention, please, “raise your hand.” (Just like in a traditional classroom—I’ll then call on you.) To raise your hand, just type the double slash, like this; // Please stay on topic and keep personal conversations in emails, not Seminar. Do not type as if you are text-messaging. Do not worry about spell-check. If you can not make live Seminars, you have the opportunity to listen to the missed Transcripts. CS113 11

12 Access your grades and instructors comments… Click on your grade to read your instructor’s comments. Be sure to click the “+” to expand the “Comments” to read everything that your instructor has written. CS113 12

13 Question time… Do you know the answer? Netiquette (what two words were joined to coin the word) and who wrote the book on netiquette? CS113 13

14 Question time… Can you name at least ONE rule of the Do’s and Don’ts of Netiquette (there are 10)? CS113 14

15 Question time… How many parts are there to the Unit 1 discussion question? CS113 15

16 Question time… Where can you find if there is more than one page on a Unit reading? CS113 16

17 Question time… How many posts are required on the discussion board? What days should we post to the discussion board? CS113 17

18 Question time… Where can you find the class grading rubrics? CS113 18

19 Discussion Rubric Students are to post a minimum of three posts per discussion thread. One initial response and two replies to their classmates Posting on a minimum of three different days, for example: Wednesday, Friday and Monday The first initial response to the discussion question must be made BY Saturday. Quality (40%) of your post will be measured on the following criteria: All assigned discussion questions were answered completely Posts were on topic and unique in content All posts demonstrated analysis of the topic Participation Guidelines (30%) will be measured on the following criteria: Initial post no later than Saturday, midnight EST Posts made to each discussion question on at least 3 different days The original post to be no less than 100 words Clarity and Organization of Writing (20%) of your post will be measured on: Posts were organized and logical No spelling or grammatical errors References were used and cited properly Professional & Netiquette (10%) in your post will be measured on the following criteria: Respect and consideration toward peers/instructors Appropriate language Professional use of abbreviations and acronyms CS113 19

20 Assignment Rubric CS113 20

21 Question time… When you send me an email—what goes in the subject line? CS113 21

22 Question time… How would you rephrase or quote class reading on your discussions and assignments (Answer can be found under your Academic Tools tab)? During discussions and assignments, you MUST demonstrate not only that you understand the subject matter; but also that you can apply what you have learned, analyze it, integrate it with knowledge you already have, and evaluate it critically. Refer back to class reading in your posts. Demonstrate you read the material. CS113 22

23 Plagiarism and Paraphrasing I recommend you familiarize yourself with some writing editorial formats. We will cover this more in one of our class Units. You will need the knowledge in future Kaplan classes, as well. Also, know how to correctly paraphrase. Changing a few words from a borrowed text is plagiarism and fraud! Being able to paraphrase correctly can protect students from accidentally plagiarizing. The Kaplan Library has many files on plagiarism and correctly paraphrasing. Please utilize our library (See Atomic Learning under our Course Home). Knowing the correct way to paraphrase will calm your nerves when writing and give you the confidence that your future papers are done correctly and ethically. Do you know when you are plagiarizing? CS113 23

24 Any general class questions? 24 CS113

25 Teamwork Everything we know and learn comes from our interactions with others. We learn from listening to our peers, reading what they write, observing how they handle online requirements and trying out things that they do. Learning takes place the same way in our career and in our personal life. We learn more from teamwork. Therefore, let’s be the best team we can be this term. GO TEAM! 25 CS113

26 You are responsible for your own learning… YOU bring the value to the classroom. I just facilitate and create a culture of commitment as a foundation (this is not formatted like high school). You are the teacher! Share your knowledge. And—be willing to LEARN a few new things and maybe to think “outside the box.” I will have an exercise in a future Unit to stimulate you to “think outside the box.” I will post certain sewing items to the Document Sharing class tab for your review. Look for it later in Unit 2. Remind me if you do not see it near the end of Unit 1. You will need it for our Unit 2 Seminar. CS113 26

27 Help each other be successful… I recommend you find someone you would like to have as a study partner—email them. Did you find a classmate with a Keirsey Temperament similar to you? Read the class syllabus and the grading rubrics. Read the class discussions and contribute. See the class syllabus for the number of posts required for an “A” grade and for the format. Make your answers at least 100 words (minimum). You must refer to class reading. Demonstrate you read the material. Do not respond to everyone on the same day in class discussions. Spread out your comments throughout the week. See our class syllabus for requirements on posting (to at least two of your peers) and class grading rubrics (different days). 27 CS113

28 Future Benefit? In your own words, how do you feel Academic Strategies for the Business Professional will benefit you in the future? CS113 28

29 Discussion Board Your answers in class discussions must demonstrate you have read the required Unit material and understand it. In addition to your own knowledge, support your answers with class reading or outside additional research. Show us that you are putting serious thought and effort into your answers. Do not plagiarize. It is fraud! When you respond to your peers in the discussion board, please address each other by name. Use correct spelling, capitalization, grammar, syntax, and punctuation on the discussion board. (However, do not worry about misspelled words in Seminar). Aim for approximately 100 words. Please see the syllabus for the amount of posts required. Unit Discussions close at the end of each week and will be available for “Read Only” status. Kaplan does not accept late discussion posts. 29 CS113

30 Discussion Rubric as on Syllabus Students are to post a minimum of three posts per discussion thread. One initial response and two replies to their classmates. Posting on a minimum of three different days, for example: Wednesday, Friday and Monday. The first initial response to the discussion question must be made BY Saturday. Quality (40%) of your post will be measured on the following criteria: All assigned discussion questions were answered completely. Posts were on topic and unique in content/100 words at least All posts demonstrated analysis of the topic (referred to class readings, and additional outside class information). Please see class syllabus rubrics for point system. Assignments have a grading rubric, too. See syllabus. CS113 30

31 What’s on TV? When “being in class is a challenge” and checking out what’s on TV appeals to you more, what idea can you share with us to experiment with to get back on track? 31 CS113

32 Question time… What are some of your options if your computer is not available during a Unit week? CS113 32

33 Question time… Is “a computer problem” an extenuating circumstance to be late on an assignment or discussion post? Why or why not? CS113 33

34 Question time… What is your Kaplan Tech Support number if you have technology problems? Or where can you find the number? How many options are there for contacting tech support? CS113 34

35 Instructor wants to get an “A” grade, too… An online satisfaction survey will be available to you (midterm or during finals). You will be asked to rate your professor. Your answers will be anonymous to me. Please answer these surveys to the best of your knowledge. Questions will be asked like; 1. Did the professor clearly state what was expected? 2. Did you receive helpful feedback from the professor? 3. Did the professor add value to the class discussions? 4. Were the professor’s grading standards appropriate? (Keep in mind, Kaplan develops the grading rubric and class Units.) CS113 35

36 Any More General Questions? Seminar is coming to an end, soon. Let’s wrap-up the evening. 36 CS113

37 Seminar Has Concluded Good night. Have a great week! Have fun with the Unit 1 assignment (Scavenger Hunt). My office hours on AIM are 6:00PM (EST) to 7:00PM (EST) and 8:00PM (EST) to 9:00PM (EST). My AIM ID is: DrDenhard. 37 CS113

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