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Let’s be Friends: aka – I got your GATT right here Objective: Analyze the establishment of the world peace movement after WWII. Std 11.9.1.

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s be Friends: aka – I got your GATT right here Objective: Analyze the establishment of the world peace movement after WWII. Std 11.9.1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s be Friends: aka – I got your GATT right here Objective: Analyze the establishment of the world peace movement after WWII. Std 11.9.1

2 United Nations April 12, 1945 representatives from 50 nations met in San Francisco June 26 sign agreement for UN General Assembly and 5 nation security council Security council: UK, USSR, China, US, France On security conucil any nation could veto an action

3 UN Goals Main Goals ◦international law ◦international security ◦Economic development ◦social progress ◦human rights ◦world peace Includes 192 countries

4 Methods All countries provide troops Peacekeeping – “Blue Helmets” Haiti Failures ◦Serbia ◦Rwanda

5 International Declaration of Human Rights Signed in 1948 - non-binding All countries promote - “universal respect for, and observance of, human rights” Provide support for countries in transition to democracy

6 International Declaration of Human Rights Foundations in ◦Enlightenment ◦Bill of Rights ◦Declarations of the Rights of Man ◦Four Freedoms

7 International Monetary Fund Promote International Trade ◦- monetary cooperation ◦- stabilization of exchange rates Put money aside to pay debts

8 World Bank Goal is to reduce poverty Provide loans – leveraged loans Marshall Plan

9 World Bank Goals Strengthen government Build Infrastructure Develop financial systems Combat corruption Education

10 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) Ended in 1994, became World Trade Organization Reduce tariffs in international trade Has been expanded to intellectual property rights

11 Shaping Europe Helps to foster a capitalist environment Provided money, trade, support for countries Pulled them away from Communism

12 Maintaining Peace Created a community Support for other countries when needed Has a way to enforce action

13 Objective: Analyze the role of NATO and SEATO, in maintaining security during the Cold War. Std 11.9.2 I got your back if you got mine

14 Alliances Military Alliance Key in Cold War Support

15 NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization Support democracy Located around North Atlantic Canada, US, Britain, France, West Europe etc. Defensive Alliance Keep Russians out, Americans in and Germans down

16 SEATO South East Asian Treaty Organization Block communist gains in Southeast Asia Provide coordinated defense and military force If country attacked then other participants could say no

17 CENTO (METO) Middle East Treaty Organization Similar to NATO/SEATO Only in Middle East Stop spread of Communism

18 Warsaw Pact Communist Response to NATO Made up of only communist countries USSR, Albania, Poland, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Romania etc

19 Containment Contain Communist Military Economic Use NATO/SEATO Main US idea during Cold War “support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures”

20 Domino Theory If one country in Southeast Asia falls then the rest will fall Looked at Eastern Europe as example

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