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9.PCH.1.5 Select measures to get adequate sleep and rest 9.PCH.1.6 Recognize the early warning signs of skin cancer and the importance of early detection.

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Presentation on theme: "9.PCH.1.5 Select measures to get adequate sleep and rest 9.PCH.1.6 Recognize the early warning signs of skin cancer and the importance of early detection."— Presentation transcript:

1 9.PCH.1.5 Select measures to get adequate sleep and rest 9.PCH.1.6 Recognize the early warning signs of skin cancer and the importance of early detection 9.PCH.2.1 Critique the potential health and social consequences of body art (tattooing and piercing) 9.PCH.3.1 Summarize the risks associated with operating ATVs and motorcycles 9.NPA.2.3 Summarize the effects of hydration and dehydration and preventative measures for dehydration 9.NPA.4.1 Execute exercise programs with safety and effectiveness 9.NPA.4.2 Use appropriate methods for avoiding and responding to climate- related physical conditions during physical activity 9.PCH.1.1 Recognize that individuals have some control over risk for communicable and chronic diseases 9.PCH.1.3 Explain the procedures for health screenings, checkups, and other early detection measures in terms of their health-related benefits 9.PCH.1.7 Differentiate between the life long effects of positive and negative health behaviors 9.PCH.3.2 Analyze reports of injuries to determine how they might have been prevented and what first aid measure should be taken What Would You Do?


3 Do you were a helmet? I live in South Carolina, a state that does not require helmets on motorcycle riders over the age of 18. I was one of those that DIDN’T wear a helmet unless it was raining. My wife and I were on our way to her job interview. After the interview, it looked like it was going to rain. We put our helmets on and about 10 minutes later we were struck by a tow-truck (their fault). 1. What injuries do you think the wife has? 2. What first aid steps need to be taken with this injury?

4 The end…. My wife was thrown about 100 feet. You could see the impressions in the ground, where her head bounced, (luckily the ground was soft due to the rain). Her helmet, a full-face helmet, was broken in the part that went across her face. She had some serious bruising, but if she hadn’t been wearing the helmet her face would have been crushed.

5 The ski trip… Natasha Richardson had fallen during a beginner ski lesson. It was a normal fall; she only bumped the back of her head on the ground. She didn’t show any signs of injury, she was talking and she seemed all right. Then, she began experiencing headaches about an hour later, she was taken by ambulance to a hospital. 1. What injuries do you think Natasha has? 2. What first aid steps need to be taken with this injury? 3. What could have been done to prevent this injury?

6 The end… Actress Natasha Richardson died. She was not wearing a helmet at the time of the fall.

7 How would you respond to the following scenario? 9

8 Responding to an emergency 1. Check the scene to see if it is safe to enter 2. Look for signs of the cause of the problem 3. Tap the victim and ask “Are you okay” 4. Call or ask someone to call 911 5. If no response, check for breathing 6. If person is not breathing, perform CPR. 7. Look for obvious signs of injury Note: only move the person if the scene is unsafe

9 Question What should you do if you are stabbed with a knife? A. Pull the knife out, cover the wound, and go to the hospital B. Leave the knife in, cover the wound, and go to the hospital C. Pull the knife out only if it is less than 2 inches deep, cover the wound, and go to the hospital.

10 Answer What to do if you are stabbed with an object: Leave the object in Cover the wound Go to the hospital

11 Question What would you do if someone in class fainted? A. Clap loudly to wake the victim B. Lightly slap the victim’s face as you talk her back to consciousness C. Lift the victim’s legs and wait for her to wake up.

12 Question What would you do if you were power walking down the street and a vicious dog is staring at you? A. Look the dog in the eyes to intimidate it B. Run away from the dog C. Slowly talk in a soothing voice while carefully backing out of its territory

13 Question What would you do if your tooth was knocked out at basketball practice today? A. Sterilize the open gum area with peroxide and water. Freeze the tooth to keep it from dying and see a dentist. B. Rinse the tooth and store it in milk. Visit a dentist within 30 minutes to possibly reattach the tooth C. Immediately insert the tooth in butter. Wash your mouth with antibacterial cleanser and see a dentist with four hours

14 Question What would you do if you are walking along a neighborhood street and someone tries to abduct you and put you in the car? The person is pointing a gun at you. A. Scream, fight, and do whatever it takes to make sure that you do not get in the car. B. Get in the car and fight later C. Get in the car and do not fight back

15 Answer What to do if someone is trying to abduct you at location A: Scream, fight, etc. Do not get in the car.

16 Question What would you do if you were abducted and stuck in the trunk of a car? A. Dismantle the car’s tail lights by pushing or kicking them out, and use these holes to wave and yell to a passerby B. Lying on your back, kick the latch as hard as you can until it weakens and opens C. Breathe as shallowly as possible to conserve air, and wait for help.

17 Question What would you do if you were kidnapped and taken to the second location? A. At the second location, resist the kidnapper in every way possible. B. Do not attempt to escape on your own. Wait for rescuers. C. Do whatever your captors say without argument and communicate that you want to stay alive.

18 Answer What to do if you are abducted and at location B: Do whatever your captors say without argument and communicate that you want to stay alive.

19 Question How would you identify someone at risk for developing skin cancer?

20 Question How would you tell if a mole may be cancerous melanoma? A. Symptoms include itching and swelling around the mole, accompanied by a general yellowing of the mole itself. B. The mole bleeds easily and begins to resemble a blister C. The mole changes in color, has ragged borders, or an asymmetrical appearance

21 Warning signs and importance of early detection Early Warning Signs of Skin Cancer A new mole or a suspicious pigmented spot or growth. A change in color, size, shape, border, or surface of a mole, freckle, birthmark or other mark. A mole or other growth which looks different from others on your skin. Importance of Early Detection Skin cancer can affect both children and adults If caught early, it can be removed easily If not detected and removed early, it can result in death

22 Question How would you recognize alcohol poisoning? A. The victim loses consciousness, has a rapid heart rate, and has a temperature above 100 degrees F. B. The victim vomits repeatedly, slurs words, and is unable to stand up. C. The victim loses consciousness, is cold and clammy, and has a pulse of less than eight beats per minute.

23 Question What would you do if your friend had alcohol poisoning? A. Call 911, turn the victim on his side, and monitor pulse and breathing. Perform CPR if necessary. B. Call 911 and splash the victim with cold water. Elevate the feet and head. C. Call 911 and sit the victim upright, so the blood rushes to the lower body.

24 Question What do you do if a stranger requests help at the door? A. Invite him into your entryway as you call 911; but do not let the person all the way into your home. B. Assure him that you will call 911 and leave the door shut. Once you have called 911, watch the person to assure his safety. C. Ask to see the person’s identification, then call 911. Alert a neighbor before inviting the person into your home.

25 Question What would you do if are walking out of Belk to your car and someone demands your purse and bags? A. If you are not in danger, simply surrender your belongings. If your attacker has harmful intentions, strike him/her in the eyes or groin. B. Scream loudly and run C. Scream loudly and attack the person

26 Answer What to do if someone is trying to take your belonging: If you are not in danger, give them your stuff. If your attacker has harmful intentions, strike him in the eyes or groin.

27 Question What would you do to make an open wound stop bleeding? The wound is not life-threatening. A. Apply a mixture of peroxide and baking soda to the wound. Do not cover it for at least 3 hours. B. Wrap and hold the wound below the heart for 10 minutes, then raise it to heart level for 20 minutes. Repeat this process until bleeding stops. C. Apply direct pressure to the wound with clean gauze and elevate it for 5 to 7 minutes.

28 Answer How to care for an open wound which is not life threatening: Apply direct pressure to the wound with clean gauze. Elevate it for 5 to 7 minutes. Add more clean gauze on top if bleed does not stop. Seek additional medical attention if needed

29 Question Your friend falls while skateboarding. What would you do if you suspect a neck or back injury? a. Call 911 and re-position them in a comfortable position. Talk to them and keep them calm. b. Call 911. Minimize movement of head, neck and back. Monitor airway, breathing and signs of life. c. Ask your friend to try to move neck, back, fingers, and toes to check for paralysis. Ask if there is tingling in their fingers or toes. If he does not have either symptoms, he can continue skateboarding.

30 Answer First aid measures for a neck and back injury: Call 911 Minimize movement of head, neck and back Monitor airway, breathing and signs of life Control any external bleeding Keep the person from getting chilled or overheating

31 Question What would you do if you were working on a home improvement project and you cut your finger off? A. Put the finger back in place. Wrap it tightly in sterile gauze, and go to the hospital B. Stop the bleeding by applying pressure to the wound with a clean cloth. Put the finger in a bag and put the bag on ice. Go to the hospital. C. Stop the bleeding by applying pressure to the wound with a clean cloth. Put the finger in a container of cold water, and go to the nearest hospital

32 Answer How to care for a body part detached from the body: Stop the bleeding by applying pressure to the wound with a clean cloth. Put the body part in a bag and put the bag on ice. Go to the hospital.

33 Question What would you do if you are home alone and begin choking on a hotdog? A. While standing, bend over and swiftly jam your knee into your abdomen B. Strike yourself just below the center of your rib cage with your fist C. Roll your shoulder and thrust your back against the wall. If that does not work, hurl yourself against a table edge, targeting the area of your abdomen just below your ribs

34 Answer How to respond if you are choking and home alone: Roll your shoulder and thrust your back against the wall. If that does not work, hurl yourself against a table edge, targeting the area of your abdomen just below your ribs

35 Question What would you do if you are at a party and a friend overdoses on painkillers? A. Force her to drink lots of water until she throws up. B. Call 911 and perform CPR if necessary C. Wrap the person in a warm blanket and call 911

36 Answer How to respond to a drug overdose: Call 911 Perform CPR if needed

37 Question What would you do if you were shot? The bullet wound is not life-threatening. A. Do not remove the bullet. Cut off circulation to the wound with a tourniquet or tight knot. Call 911 B. Do not remove the bullet; apply direct pressure to the wound with a clean cloth. Call 911 C. Dig for the bullet and remove it. Elevate the wound. Call 911

38 Question You and your best friend just got tattoos and are very excited. However, after a couple of months, you notice that something is wrong with your tattoo? What is it? a.Skin bacterial infection & burn from tattooing instrument b.Skin viral infection & keloid c.Allergic reaction & keloid d.Allergic reaction & blood borne infection You Your best friend

39 Question You and your friend decide to get a body piercing. After a year, both of you guys begin to have interesting symptoms which could be related to your piercing. What is it? You Your friend a. Keloid & Hepatitis C b. Allergic Reaction & Skin infection c. Keloid & HIV d. Keloid & Nerve Damage

40 Health & Social Consequences of Tattoos and Body Piercings Health Consequences to Tattoos: Blood-borne diseases (Hep B, Hep C, HIV) Allergic Reaction to ink Keloids (red raised scaring caused by excessive tissue repair) Granulomas (small bumps may form around tattoo) Unwanted scar tissue if tattoo is removed Health Consequences of Body Piercings: Blood-borne diseases (Hep B, Hep C, HIV) Allergic Reaction to metal Skin infections Keloids Nerve Damage Social Consequences of Tattoos and Body Piercings: Could affect future employment Judgment from others

41 Question Your mom is super excited about working out. What body part is causing her poor form? a. Her head b. Her arms c. Her back d. Her heels

42 Question Your aunt is motivated to lose weight. What is wrong with the following picture? a. Bigger people should not run b. She should wear shoes c. Too hot to exercise with sweats on d. Storm clouds are coming which could cause lightening 98 degrees

43 1. Make exercise program age and fitness level appropriate 2. Wear appropriate exercise clothes and shoes 3. Start with dynamic warm-up 4. Begin cardiovascular exercise slow and build up to target heart rate 5. Cool down to bring heart rate down 6. Static stretching 7. Drink plenty of water A safe and effective exercise program

44 Question What would you do if are at a park playing football and a friend complains of heat exhaustion? The result of excessive heat and dehydration A. Move the victim to a cool place, wrap the person in a sheet, and call 911 B. Move the victim to a cool place and gently spray the body with cold water. As soon as they cool off, encourage them to exercise to keep the blood flowing. C. Move the victim to a cool place and gently spray the body with cold water. Give the victim a sports drink or water.

45 Preventing and Responding to Heat Exhaustion Symptoms: Heavy sweating Thirst Fatigue Heat Cramps Later… Headache Dizziness Nausea or vomiting Note: If the person does not cool off, it could develop into a heatstroke Avoiding/Preventing heat exhaustion: Wear lightweight and light colored clothing when exercising Gradual exposure to heat and outdoors Do not exercise in the heat of the day Take breaks to drink water How to respond to heat exhaustion: Move the victim to a cool place and gently spray the body with cold water. Give the victim a sports drink or water

46 Question What would you do if you are at a track meet and a person is experiencing heat stroke? When the body absorbs more heat than it can dissipate A. Move the victim to a cool place. Wrap the person in a wet sheet or cloth and give them water. B. Move the victim to a cool place. Give the person caffeine and sponge them with cold water C. Call 911, move the victim to a cool place, cool the person with a wet sheet or cloth, and give CPR if needed.

47 Preventing and Responding to heat stroke Symptoms: Skin is flushed and very hot to touch Sweating has usually stopped Fast breathing Headache Dizziness Confusion Irrational behavior Possible Convulsions or unresponsiveness Avoiding/Preventing heat stroke: Wear lightweight and light colored clothing when exercising Stay hydrated Do not exercise in the heat of the day How to respond to heat stroke: Call 911 move the victim to a cool place cool the person with a wet sheet or cloth CPR if needed.

48 Question What would you do if you are at a football game on a cold winter night and your father is complaining that he may have hypothermia? When the body’s temperature drops below the level required for normal body functions. A. Call 911 and provide CPR if needed. Move the person out of the cold, remove wet clothing, and warm them with blankets B. Call 911 and provide CPR if needed. Move the person out of the cold and harshly massage the victim’s skin C. Call 911 and provide CPR if needed. Move the person out of the cold and put in a warm bath

49 Preventing and Responding to Hypothermia Symptoms Uncontrollable shivering Lethargy Confusion Drowsiness Irrational behavior Clumsy movements Pale Cool skin Slow breathing Changing levels of responsiveness Avoiding/ Preventing Hypothermia: Dress in warm clothing. Wear several layers Avoid long exposure to cold temperatures Take breaks to “warm up” indoors Stay active if outdoors (exercise warms the body) How to respond to Hypothermia: Call 911 Provide CPR if needed Move the person out of the cold Remove wet clothing Warm them with blankets

50 Question You are noticed lately that you are experiencing increased stress, decreased coping skills, inability to focus and stay on task, and moody. What could this be the result of? a. Lack of hydration b. Lack of sleep c. Food allergy d. Early stages of pregnancy

51 Methods for adequate sleep Establish consistent sleep schedule Early afternoon naps should be 30 minutes or less. Create a dark, quiet, and cool environment No caffeine in the evening Take a hot shower or bath before bed Reduce visual stimulus (computer games, video games) in the evening Exercise in the morning or early afternoon but not in the evening

52 Question You are stranded in the forest. You are beginning to feel the effects of dehydration. What are the effects of dehydration? a. Muscle cramps, weakness, decrease in sweating, fainting b. Increase in sweating, acute hearing and awareness, muscle cramps c. Muscle cramps, upset stomach, increased urination

53 Effects and Prevention of Dehydration Effects of Dehydration Weakness/Fainting Muscle cramps Weak or rapid pulse Confusion Inability to sweat Decrease in urine Prevention: Drink 8 cups of liquid per day = 64 fl oz = 2 liter bottle

54 Effects of good hydration Effects of good hydration: Transport nutrients Removes waste Hydrates skin Lubricates joints Aids in digestion

55 Question You (on a ATV) and a friend (on a motorcycle) are racing through the woods. 13 % of motor vehicle crash deaths per year (in 2010) are motorcycle death. By wearing a helmet a person reduces the risk of death by what percentage? a. 5% b. 11% c. 37% d. 69%

56 Risks of driving ATVs and motorcycles By wearing a helmet a person reduces their risk of death by 37% and reduces the risk of head injury by 69%. Risks of driving motorcycles and ATVs Death Fracture head injury spinal cord injury open wound

57 Question Your brother is experiencing flu-like symptoms. What are strategies you can use to prevent getting the flu? a. Wash hands often. Get the flu vaccine once a year and do not have close contact with him until he is fever free for 24 hours. Encourage him to cover his nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. b. Wash hands often. Get a flu vaccine every 6 months and do not have close contact with him until he is fever free for 12 hours. Encourage him to use his “sneeze pocket” when coughing or sneezing. c. Wash hands often. Get a flu vaccine every 2 years and give him medicine to get better. Close contact with him is not an issue if he is taking medicine.

58 Preventing the flu 1. Wash hands often 2. Get a yearly flu vaccine 3. Do not have close contact with anyone with flu-like symptoms until they are fever free for at least 24 hours. 4. Keep household surfaces clean

59 Question You 21 year old sister is sexually active but consistently uses condoms. She has yet to visit the gynecologist. Is it important that she goes to get a pelvic exam? If so, how often should she go to get one? a. Yes. Once a year b. Yes. At least once a year but more often if needed. c. No. She uses protection every time she has sex d. Yes. Once a year until she stops having sex.

60 Importance of health screenings and early detection There are 3 levels of control: Primary prevention: what you do (eat healthy, exercise, etc.) Secondary control: early detection (medical exams and self exams) Tertiary control: treatment Examples of Secondary Control: Practice regular breast and testicular exams Get a physical exam (blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar levels, and any issues related to your family history) Get a pelvic exam and pap smear Get a mammogram

61 10 Finger Quiz: “Die young at an old age” Primary prevention to live a long healthy life: Instructions: On your hand, raise a finger if the statement is a part of your current lifestyle 1. I do not use tobacco products or marijuana. 2. I do not drink alcohol, use illegal drugs, or abuse medicines. 3. I get adequate sleep (8-9 hours a night) 4. I exercise at least 45 minutes 4 times a week 5. I eat breakfast. 6. I am not 10 or more pounds overweight. 7. I have a variety of leisure activities. 8. I am fairly stress-free. 9. I eat nutritious foods using suggestions from MyPlate. 10. I wear a seatbelt when I am in the car. Based on your current behaviors, will you live a long, healthy life?

62 Homework assignment “How decisions affect a person’s health interview” Interview an adult about decisions that they have made that have impacted their health and quality of life in a positive or negative way. Complete the Decision Making Model for your own personal health

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