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Vocabulary Week 3. Word 1: Astonish / Astonishment Def: To cause amazement and wonder Sent: The 6 th graders were astonished to find a dead rabbit in.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Week 3. Word 1: Astonish / Astonishment Def: To cause amazement and wonder Sent: The 6 th graders were astonished to find a dead rabbit in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Week 3

2 Word 1: Astonish / Astonishment Def: To cause amazement and wonder Sent: The 6 th graders were astonished to find a dead rabbit in their room.

3 Word 2: Ponder Def: To think deeply about Sent: Every student sat and pondered about how a dead rabbit got in their room.

4 Word 3: Sinister Def: Giving an impression of evil and that something bad will happen Sent: Was putting a dead rabbit in the 6 th grade room a sinister trick of the 7 th graders?

5 Word 4: Hasty / Hastily Def: To quick and hurried Sent: Ms. Jones hastily threw the dead rabbit out the window.

6 Word 5: Dispute Def: To argue about, debate Sent: At lunch, there was a big dispute as the 6 th graders blamed the 7 th for the dead rabbit.

7 Word 6: Vague Def: Not clear enough to understand, uncertain in meaning Sent: The principal gave vague details to the parents about the dead rabbit incident.

8 Word 7: Inherit Def: To receive money or property from someone who died Sent: Most of the blame fell on Joey who had lately inherited a rabbit farm from his uncle.

9 Word 8:Droop Def: To bend and hang down Sent: Joey quickly explained that he had lop eared rabbits that had ears that drooped over.

10 Word 9: Authentic Def: Not copied or counterfeit Sent: Joey had an authentic excuse. The dead rabbit was not from his rabbit farm.

11 Word 10:Vicious Def: Wanting to cause harm to others Sent: Arguing between the 6 th and 7 th graders became vicious.

12 Word 11: Revolting Def: Cause extreme dislike and displease Sent: The dead rabbit became more revolting as it decayed outside the window.

13 Word 12: Enormous Def: Huge, large Sent: The dead rabbit incident was an enormous problem for Principal Miller.

14 Word 13: Tantrum Def: Uncontrolled outburst of angry child Sent: Joey threw a tantrum on the floor of the principal’s office after being accused.

15 Word 14: Prank Def: A playful mischievous act Sent: Joey was told that the dead rabbit prank was a very serious matter.

16 Word 15: Mournful / Mourn Def: Express sadness usually because of death Sent: The whole class mourned the death of the rabbit until it started to smell outside.

17 Word 16: Transparent Def: Able to see through, clear Sent: The science teacher put the dead rabbit in a transparent box so students could watch it decay, but not smell it.

18 Word 17: Haven Def: A place of safety Sent: There would be no safe haven for the rabbit killer to hide.

19 Word 18: Gesture Def: A body movement that shows how you feel or what you mean Sent: The principal gestured to the parents that the culprit was the teacher.

20 Word 19: Hoax Def: A trick to make you believe something that is not true Sent: It was all a hoax so she could blame it on Joey who she did not like.

21 Word 20: Dazed Def: Unable to think clearly, often because of injury Sent: The whole class was dazed when they found out that their teacher had done it.

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