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Vocabulary of Matter. accepted value The book value or one given to you by you teacher is called the ___; it is what we should be getting in our measurements.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary of Matter. accepted value The book value or one given to you by you teacher is called the ___; it is what we should be getting in our measurements."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary of Matter

2 accepted value The book value or one given to you by you teacher is called the ___; it is what we should be getting in our measurements.

3 accuracy Measurements close to what they actually are or should be is called _____.

4 boiling point The temperature at which a liquid boils is called the ____, which is also the point it will begin to vaporize.

5 chemical change indicators There are four ____. They are: formation of a gas (bubbles or odor); color change, temperature change, or formation of a precipitate.

6 chemical property ___ is a property that cannot be observed without changing the composition of the substance; examples are flammability and reactivity.

7 color The quality of an object or substance with respect to light reflected by the object, usually determined visually by measurement of hue, saturation, and brightness of the reflected light; saturation or chroma is known as ____.

8 compound A _____ is made of 2 or more elements; separate chemically.

9 compressibility If an object has ____, it will decrease in volume when placed under pressure.

10 condense Liquids that collect out of a gaseous state are said to ____.

11 conductivity ____ is the ability to allow electricity (the flow of electrons) or heat to transfer from one place to another.

12 crystalline Objects that are ___ appear to be a clear, transparent mineral or glass resembling ice; can also have color, but will still pass light.

13 density _____ is an intensive property of a substance that is measured in g per ml. It is a factor that determines whether an object will sink or float when placed in a liquid.

14 deposition ___ is a natural process of 'collection' where gases bypass the liquid state and go directly to the solid state.

15 ductility ____ is the ability to draw metal into wire.

16 dull Things that are ___ are not shiny, they lack brightness, and do not reflect light readily.

17 element ___ is matter in its simplest form.

18 error The difference between the accepted and experimental value is called ___.

19 expand When something becomes larger in volume, it is said to ___.

20 extensive An _____ property changes with the size of our sample - example is volume.

21 fermenting ___ is a chemical change in which sugars are converted into alcohol.

22 flammability ____ is the ability to burn or catch fire.

23 floating When an object is placed in a liquid, and it sits on the surface, it is said to be ____.

24 fluidity ____ is the ability of a liquid or gas to flow.

25 freeze Things ____ when they change from liquid to solid as temperature drops.

26 freezing point When temperature is decreasing, the temperature at which a liquid freezes is called the ____, which is also the point it will begin to melt when the temperature is increasing.

27 gas One of the three commonly recognized states of matter, a ___ is a substance that has neither definite shape nor definite volume. Like liquids, they are fluids and assume the shape of their containers. Unlike liquids, they will expand to fill any container, regardless of its size. They also condense into liquids or solids when sufficiently cooled or compressed.

28 hardness Objects that exhibit ____ are solid to the touch; resistant to compressibility.

29 heterogeneous A ____ mixture has varied amounts when sampled; separate physically.

30 homogeneous A ____ mixture has unvaried amounts when sampled; separate physically.

31 intensive An ____ property stays the same regardless of sample size - like density.

32 kinetic molecular theory The ___ is used to explain the various macroscopic properties of gases.

33 liquid ____ is the state of matter with definite volume but indefinite shape, no compressibility, and the ability to flow (fluidity).

34 luster ___ is how shiny or dull something is.

35 malleability _____ is the ability of metal to be shaped or flattened.

36 mass ____ is the amount of matter present - constant regardless of location in the universe.

37 melt To ___ is to change from a solid to a liquid as temperature increases.

38 melting point When temperature is increasing, the temperature at which a solid melts is called the ____, which is also the point it will begin to freeze when the temperature is moving down.

39 motion of particles The ___ refers to how atoms and molecules are moving inside of a sample - are they vibrating (solids), loose and flowing (liquids), or free moving and chaotic (gases).

40 oxidation Any chemical reaction in which electrons are transferred is called ___, which is paired with 'reduction' (called redox reactions). An example would be rusting of iron.

41 percent error ___ is calculated to determine how close or far our results are from where they should be.

42 physical property A ____ property can be observed without changing the composition of the sample.

43 phase change A change from one state (solid or liquid or gas) to another without a change in chemical composition is called a ____.

44 precipitate A ___ is a solid formed from combining two liquids - indicates there was a chemical reaction.

45 precision Taking experimental values that are close to each other is called ____.

46 pure substance Examples of ____ would be a cup of sugar, a flask of HCL, or a bottle of O2, which means only a single substance is present.

47 qualitative ___ properties or values can NOT be given number form - such as color.

48 quantitative ___ properties or values can be given number form - such as mass.

49 reactivity The willingness of an element to form bond is called _____.

50 rusting ___ is a form of oxidation, where a brownish or reddish crust is formed on iron when exposed to moisture and air.

51 shiny Objects or materials that are ___ have a bright or glossy appearance; they can be rubbed or polished to achieve this affect.

52 sinking When an object is placed in a liquid, and it drops from the surface down into the liquid, it is said to be ____.

53 solid The ____ state of matter has definite shape and definite volume, no compressibility, and vibration type movement.

54 solubility ___ is the characteristic physical property referring to the ability of a given substance, the solute, to dissolve in a solvent. It is measured in terms of the maximum amount of solute dissolved in a solvent at equilibrium.

55 solution A homogenous mixture formed when dissolving a solute in a solvent is called a ____.

56 structure of particles The ___ refers to how atoms and molecules are grouped inside of a sample - are they tightly packed (solids), loose and flowing (liquids), or free moving and chaotic (gases).

57 sublimate A solid that passes directly into the state of a gas, bypassing the liquid state, is said to ____.

58 suspended When an object is placed in a liquid, but it does not float on top or sink to the bottom, it might appear that is it just hanging in the middle some where - this object would be said to be ____ in the liquid.

59 tarnishing ____ is a slimy chemical film that forms on metals, such as copper or silver.

60 texture ___ can be physical or visual - it is the unevenness, roughness or bumpiness in a surface.

61 toxicity ___ is the chemical property of a compound that is poisonous or harmful if ingested (consumed).

62 transparent Admitting the passage of light through an object means that it is ____.

63 vaporize We can cause a liquid to ___ by adding heat. This is the same as evaporating only at a much faster rate.

64 viscosity ____ is the resistance to flow - the higher this value is, the slower a fluid moves or flows.

65 volume ______ is the amount of space matter occupies.

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