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The Powers of Congress CH 8.2. Framer’s Goals Found in the Preamble of the Constitution –“to form a more perfect union” –“insure domestic tranquility”

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Presentation on theme: "The Powers of Congress CH 8.2. Framer’s Goals Found in the Preamble of the Constitution –“to form a more perfect union” –“insure domestic tranquility”"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Powers of Congress CH 8.2

2 Framer’s Goals Found in the Preamble of the Constitution –“to form a more perfect union” –“insure domestic tranquility” –“provide for the common defense” –“promote the general welfare” –“secure the blessings of liberty”

3 Promoting the General Welfare Make laws that help people live better Many laws deal w/ Congresses powers to regulate commerce, business, foreign nations, & states –1808 stopped importation of slaves –Today minimum wage

4 Collect taxes & borrow money –Pay for things people want from gov’t –All spending bills must start in the House Controls the budget “power of the purse” Congress checks the executive branch b/c w/o money President can do very little

5 Providing for Defense Est. & maintain an army & navy Power to declare war (1941) –1973 War Powers Act Limits Presidents power to send troops w/o congressional approval Controversy now over who is in charge

6 Establishing Justice Supreme Courts Federal courts Senate approves judges Impeachment of federal officials –House brings charges & votes on it –Senate conducts the trial –If guilty official must leave office –Johnson & Clinton impeached but not convicted

7 Unlisted Powers The “necessary and proper” clause –Allows Congress to make laws that carry out their listed powers –Ex. to coin money (create mint, design, but materials etc.) “elastic clause” helps congress do its work & change w/ the times

8 Nonlegislative Powers Conduct investigations Gather info to make laws Discover how executive branch is enforcing laws

9 Limits on Power General limits known as checks & balances Specific limits listed in Article 1, Sec. 9 –Protect the rights of citizens –Can’t take away the right to a writ of habeas corpus –Can’t pass a bill of attainder (a law that convicts a person w/o a trial) –Can’t pass ex post facto laws

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