*Rebecca *Revolutiona ry War *South Carolina *General Henry Lee *Americans *Morocco *Read Mountain Middle School *Dr. Ford *Colorado *audience *crew *family.

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Presentation on theme: "*Rebecca *Revolutiona ry War *South Carolina *General Henry Lee *Americans *Morocco *Read Mountain Middle School *Dr. Ford *Colorado *audience *crew *family."— Presentation transcript:

1 *Rebecca *Revolutiona ry War *South Carolina *General Henry Lee *Americans *Morocco *Read Mountain Middle School *Dr. Ford *Colorado *audience *crew *family *litter *team *quartet *herd *committee *patriot *basketball *jumping jack *piano *teacher *soldiers *enemy *home *edges *monument *city *language *love *fun *freedom *self-esteem *beauty *honor *wisdom *bravery *loyalty *excitement *health *spirit *excitement *edges *spirit *pencil *teacher *pizza *bravery *soccer ball *loyalty *window *love


3 A word or word group that is used to name a person, place, thing, or idea. Examples: parents, Mrs. Myers, rocket, danger, freedom, linebacker, White House, school, states, fears, dream, computer


5 *Names any one of a group of persons, places, things, or ideas *Usually not capitalized Examples: woman, teacher, city, country, continent, monument, team, book, holiday, religion, language

6 man house basketball freedom

7 *Names a particular person, place, thing, or idea *Begins with a capital letter Examples: Aunt Josie, Los Angeles, Germany, Asia, Chinese New Year, Judaism, Lincoln Memorial, Karr Cougars

8 Statue of Liberty New York City Michael Jordan

9 *A noun that names an idea, feeling, quality, or a characteristic *You can’t experience these nouns through using your senses. EXAMPLES: spirit, honor, kindness, laughter, health, excitement

10 lOVE happiness sadness laughter kindness

11 *Names a person, place, or thing that can be perceived by using one of the senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch, or smell) EXAMPLES: photograph, music, pears, filmmaker, sandpaper, rose, Brooklyn Bridge, National Arts Hall of Fame, pretzels, desk, pencil

12 sandpaper cotton balls ice leaves

13 * A noun that names a group Examples: herd, committee, team, jury, quartet, crew, family

14 jury committee


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