Bridging the gap between the Classical and Romantic eras.

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Presentation on theme: "Bridging the gap between the Classical and Romantic eras."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bridging the gap between the Classical and Romantic eras

2  From a musical family (3 generations, Bonn)  Received only general elementary education  Trained from a young age in music, violin, piano, and music theory

3 The next Mozart? “Louis van Beethoven, son of the tenor singer already mentioned, a boy of 11 years and of most promising talent. He plays the piano very skillfully and with power, reads at sight very well...He would surely become a second Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart if he were to continue as he has begun” (Kerman). Quote from Neefe, Beethoven’s first teacher

4  Family was middle class  Father suffered from alcoholism  Beethoven later had to support the family and his two brothers

5  In 1792, Beethoven went to Vienna to study with Haydn  Beethoven lived in Vienna for the rest of his life  Relationship was hot and cold

6  Beethoven first noticed symptoms of hearing loss in 1796  “I must confess that I am living a miserable life. For almost two years I have ceased to attend any social functions, just because I find it impossible to say to people: I am deaf. If I had any other profession it would be easier, but in my profession it is a terrible handicap. As for my enemies, of whom I have a fair number, what would they say” (Kerman)? Letter to friend (Wegeler)

7 “You can scarcely believe what an empty, sad life I have had for the last two years. My poor hearing haunted me everywhere like a ghost; and I avoided all human society. I was forced to seem a misanthrope, and yet I am far from being one. This change has been brought about by a dear charming girl who loves me and whom I love…and for the first time I feel that marriage might bring me happiness. Unfortunately she is not of my class” (Kerman). Letter to friend (Wegeler)

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