Chapter Seventeen Telex , Fax and E-mail Section One Telex Telex is a message exchange through the teleprinter (also called teletypewriter). In fact, the.

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1 Chapter Seventeen Telex , Fax and E-mail Section One Telex Telex is a message exchange through the teleprinter (also called teletypewriter). In fact, the word “telex” is the abbreviation of teletypewriter exchange. A message sent out at one place to another or received from another place through a teleprinter is called a Telex. Telex has many advantages over communication by mail. It is as fast as the telephone service and as accurate as a typewriter.

2 Notes 1 teleprinter 电传机 2 abbreviation 缩写 3 subscriber 用户 4 any time round the clock 一天 24 小时

3 Specimen Telex 1 P289 Notes This is an out-going telex. 1) 517252 is the telex number of the called. The first two numerals “51” indicate Britain. 2) LECBRI is the anser-back code of the called. It is the short form of the name of the called. The apprearance of the code on the caller’s teleprinter indicates that the connection is established. G is short for Great Britain. 3) 22155 is the telex number of the caller. The first two numerals “22” indicate Beijing. CNART is the answer-back code of the caller. CN is short for China. After the answer-back code of the called is found correct, the caller send his own answer-back code and then message. 4) After the message is transmitted, the caller asks again for the caller’s answer-back code for recheck and stops with its own answer-back cod

4 Specimen Telex 2 P299 Notes 这是发来的电传。 1 ) 44079 是受方的电传号。 “44” 代表广州。 2 ) KCACB 是受方的应答电码,是广州工艺品进出 口分公司的代号。 3 ) CN 是 “ 中国 ” 的缩写。 4 ) 65606 是发方的电传号。 5 ) LEON 是发方的公司电码。 6 ) HK 是 “ 香港 ” 的缩写。

5 Some tips for telex writing: 1)Omit unnecessary structural words, sometimes the link verb “be” can also be omitted 2) Use the passive to replace the active 3) Use the prefixes and suffixes tomake the message brief 4) Use imperative to make expressions direct and simplified

6 5) Use participles to save words 6) Substitue abbreviations for longer words and phrases

7 As an already well-established means of communication in modern business, faxes have now been widely used because of their simplicity, speed, convenience and flexibility. Letters, telexes and telephones all have their functions but nothing does the job of communicating words and pictures more efficiently than fax. Section Two Business Fax

8 Notes 1 transmission 传输 2 Internet access 互联网接入 3 graphics 图表

9 1 Layout ( 格式 ) P301 2 Linguistic Features ( 语言特点 ) The linguistic style of text in faxes is similar to that used in letters. 3 Tips for Writing Faxes ( 注意事项 ) ( 1 ) Addresses are not always written out in full in the same way in faxes as in letters ( 2 ) Each page of a fax will be clearly numbered.

10 ( 3 ) Faxes sent through a normal fax machine will include a full signature, not just initials. ( 4 ) Faxes sent through a modem will not include signatures because of the difficulty of “getting them into” the computer 。 ( 5 ) Handwritten faxes may also be acceptable in some lines of business or in certain situations because faxes are primarily used to transmit written messages quickly. ( 6 ) Impressions are made when sending faxes, as with any other type of business communication. So care about details may be equally important when sending faxes!

11 4 Specimen Fax Complaint adjustmen P302 Notes 1 double-glazed windows 双层玻璃窗户 2 draughts 强风 3 insulate 阻挡

12 Email is becoming ever important in both business and in our personal lives. Here are some tips to write effective emails. An email is composed of three main parts: salutation, body and signature. When writing emails, we should pay attention to the following tips: Section Three E-mail

13 1 Emails should be written to the point to make them clear, so phrases are used in many case. 2Use Subject Lines. 3The Layout of your email Specimen Email P303

14 Section four Useful Words & Expressions P304 Section Five Useful Sentences P306 Section Six Exercise P309

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