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Mrs. Salvi Agenda for December 16, 2014 Science 7: Objective: Students will build a structure that will hold the most mass in pennies. Engage: Structures.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Salvi Agenda for December 16, 2014 Science 7: Objective: Students will build a structure that will hold the most mass in pennies. Engage: Structures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Salvi Agenda for December 16, 2014 Science 7: Objective: Students will build a structure that will hold the most mass in pennies. Engage: Structures Video - DE Streaming Explore: Junk Box Wars materials Explain: Competition rules Elaborate: Teams will meet to brainstorm design ideas Evaluate: Students will work together to put forth their best design to meet the requirements of the challenge

2 Mrs. Salvi Agenda for December 16, 2014 Science 6: Objective: The student knows the process by which DNA Copies itself During Mitosis. The student knows that a mutation can change the instructions that a gene exchanges. Engage: Question of the Day? What is a gene? (Formative assessment) Explore: Mitosis slides Explain: Pairs of the same four base materials make up all DNA strands. The instructions that DNA gives a cell depend on the order of the base pairs. During mitosis, two complete strands of DNA are formed from one DNA strand. The two new strands are identical to the original. Elaborate: Copying of DNA animation Evaluate: What are the four bases involved in the structure of DNA? (Formative Assessment)

3 Mrs. Salvi Agenda for December 16,2014 Science 5: Objective: Students will work in their groups on their biomes projects.

4 Mrs. Salvi Agenda for December 16, 2014 Science 8: Objective: Explian how the reactivity of elements is related valence electrons in atoms. Engage: Junk Box Wars Competition Explore: I Explain:valence electrons are those that have the highest energy level and are held the most loosely. Elaborate: oms/electron.htm - article Evaluate: Three facts about electrons from the article (Formative assessment)

5 Mrs. Salvi Agenda for December 16, 2014 Science 4 – Objective: The student understands how rapid changes to the environment occur. Engage: Question of the day? What is a natural disaster? (Formative Assessment) Explore: Class Discussion: How do natural disasters change an environment rapidly? How can natural disasters be beneficial to the cosystem? Explain: Brainpop! Natural Disasters Elaborate: Scott Foresman Pages 122-123 Evaluate:Brainpop! Quiz

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