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Meet the team Mrs Walters Mrs Sumner Mrs Gray Mrs Robinson Mrs Brown.

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2 Meet the team Mrs Walters Mrs Sumner Mrs Gray Mrs Robinson Mrs Brown

3 Meet the team Mrs Gill Mrs LaskyMrs Clayton Mrs Stevenson

4 PPA Staff On a Wednesday afternoon the children will participate in a variety of activities to further enhance the curriculum. These activities will be led by Mrs Walters, Mrs Beeby/Mrs Gray and Mrs Sprackling. Mrs Beeby Mrs Sprackling

5 Mrs Sumner 2SA set mathsB set literacy skills

6 Mrs Brown 2BC set mathsA set literacy skills

7 Mrs Gray and Mrs Robinson 2GRB set mathsC set literacy skills

8 Sets Sets for maths and literacy skills groups. In September – lots of movement between sets is common. Other movement may also occur during the year. Please support the children with their homework and make sure that it is returned to school on the right day.

9 Entrance in the morning is through the main infant door (between 8:50 – 9:00). Mrs Walters will usually be on the door for any messages. If late, the children must be taken to the entrance by the office. End of day (3:20) – collect from the main infant entrance or 2GR classroom door. The class teacher will stay at the collection door for 10 minutes, after which the child will be handed to the DSP at the office. This is recorded in a late book. Please contact the office if you know you are going to be late. School needs to be informed if someone else is collecting your child – we cannot allow them to leave without your permission. Clubs – collect the children from the office entrance. The Start and End of the School Day

10 Break times Morning playtime is at 10.30-10.45. KS1 children can buy drinks from the canteen. Fruit is provided free of charge. Children are not allowed to bring in snacks from home in KS1. Water only in named drink bottles – no juice please. Equipment is provided in the playground at lunch time for the children to play with. Football is not allowed in the infant playground at any time. X

11 We like the children to wear our smart and practical uniform as it helps to give them a sense of pride in our school. Our colours are burgundy and grey as follows: pinafore, skirt, trousers - grey shirt, blouse - white polo shirts - white, sweatshirt, jumper, cardigan - burgundy (school badge) summer dress - gingham/stripes in red/white sensible shoes - black, no trainers, boots or 'high' heels socks or tights - plain white, grey or black suitable winter coat/school fleece (with a hook for hanging up) ALL NAMED PLEASE! Uniform

12 P.E. Navy shorts or track suit bottoms. No tights please. White t-shirt (with House Colour edging) Lightweight pumps must be worn for apparatus work. Trainers can be worn for outdoor games. A named draw-string bag. No jewellery or watches (Parents can write a disclaimer letter and take full responsibility.) Please take out earrings on P.E. days. Long hair must be tied back.

13 Reading All children must bring their book bags in every day. Two books a week: A reading book (structured until a fluent reader) and a choice book. All children have a Reading Diary in which comments about reading is recorded – we encourage parents to date and add their comments at least once per week. Reading Pamphlets are given to parents in Reception and Year 3 with more guidance for supporting reading. Please do not put water bottles in book bags!

14 Holidays - Victorian Seaside Holidays London and The Great Fire of London Africa – South Africa Y2 Topics

15 AutumnSpringSummer Victorian Seaside Day Theatre Trip – Cinderella National Curriculum Assessments Harvest Festival Easter Bonnet Parade Sports Day Nativity Performances Residential – Kingswood Centre Roald Dahl Day Christmas PartyTransition Days Key events Year 2

16 Homework Spelling tests will be undertaken on Thursdays. New words are sent home on Fridays. Maths homework – handed out on Friday, returned by the following Thursday at the latest please. A variety of activities may be set including using My Maths website. Topic homework – as and when e.g. Book Review Recorders – practise regularly at home.

17 Learning Beyond the Classroom: How can I help my child? Read a variety of genres regularly with your child – listen to them but also read to them, encourage them to make predictions, discuss story and characters, likes/dislikes etc. Record progress in red reading diaries. Talk to your child about what they have done at school and find out what topics are being taught – what information can they share with the class? Support homework.

18 Parent helpers We welcome any parent helpers in year 2. Many parents come to help in school: Literacy volunteers Sewing Enrichment activities. If helpers are coming in regularly we will need to make arrangements for them to be DBS checked through the school, even if they have already been checked somewhere else. All helpers or visitors should come through the main school office and be signed in officially.

19 Encouraging Independence The children should now be able to bring everything with them at the start of day: Recorders Water bottle Lunch box Reading bag containing reading books and diary Homework Letter reply slips Any forgotten items should be labelled and put in the box in the main entrance. Children should sign and return the ‘Home- School Agreement’ at the beginning of the year.

20 Flu vaccine Y1 & Y2: From September Public Health England are providing the nasal flu vaccination for all pupils in Y1 & Y2 at school. The flu vaccination will be given as a nasal spray and was piloted across Birmingham and many other areas of the UK in the autumn/winter of 2014-15 with positive documented outcomes. This will be offered to all children in Y1 & Y2 via a school-based vaccination programme on Tuesday 3rd November. It will be delivered by Birmingham Community Healthcare’s dedicated immunisation team. It is expected that we will have consent packs delivered to school which we will then send home. These packs will include information about the nasal flu vaccination and a consent card for completion by the parent/ guardian. A telephone line will also be provided for queries as well as a website where parents can gain more information. Parents will need to return all consent cards within 2 weeks so the immunisation team know whether parents are consenting or refusing. On the day of the vaccination children will be given a certificate to take home saying they have had their vaccination.

21 Any questions?

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