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Office of Professional Services and Educator Licensing Initial Licensing Process October 2015.

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1 Office of Professional Services and Educator Licensing Initial Licensing Process October 2015

2  Educator Preparation: reviews all educator preparation programs offered by CO colleges and designated agencies.  ALL license-holding educators in CO must have completed an approved educator preparation program.  Educator Licensing: evaluates applications for educator licenses and authorizations to qualifying individuals.  Evaluators review all of your documents that are uploaded into the application and determine if you qualify for a credential in compliance with state law.  Enforcement: conducts background checks for all applicants via fingerprint submission.  No educator license can be issued without a cleared background through both CBI and FBI.  Customer Service Center: the “face” of CDE; answers questions from current license holders and potential applicants.  Only department in CDE that has direct external interaction with educators in CO. About Educator Preparation, Licensing, and Enforcement 2

3  Enforcement  Initiated 2,795 new cases  Closed 2,573 cases (the remaining 222 are still under investigation)  Presented 68 individuals to the state board for action against a license or application  Evaluators  Reviewed 37,505 applications  Issued 33,627 credentials  Maintained maximum processing timeframe of 6 weeks  Educator Preparation  Oversaw 49 different educator preparation programs throughout CO  Assisted in approval of 10 new programs and reauthorization of 7 existing programs  Customer Service  Answered 34,408 phone calls  Received 41,360 email inquiries  Assisted 1,289 walk-in applicants Educator Licensing in Numbers (2014) 3

4 How to Find Our Site 4

5 How to Find the Initial Teacher Application 5

6 Navigating eLicensing 6

7  Will take you to the list of available applications.  Will also take you to continue applications you have already started. Navigating eLicensing 7

8  Will allow you to see your application status; show this OR payment receipt to potential employer.  Is accurate to the second.  Please check this status before calling or emailing.  Check email (including spam) to see if we’ve already contacted you. Navigating eLicensing 8

9  Designed to be a lifetime account.  Please keep all of this information (especially email) up-to-date.  Changes are effective immediately.  Name changes will be under “Applications” under Reprint Request/Name Change. Navigating eLicensing 9

10  Disclosing something other than a misdemeanor DUI or other traffic infraction on your background. Navigating eLicensing 10

11  Again, accurate to the second.  Can be used as proof of licensure until you receive your eCertificate.  Coming soon: ability to see expired, in-progress, inactive, revoked, etc. licenses.  Currently only shows active licenses. Navigating eLicensing 11

12  Only create one eLicensing account. If you ever have trouble accessing your account, call or email us; do not create another account.  Multiple accounts create complications for evaluators, distract our eLicensing specialists from other work, and prevent you from accessing your account and applying.  Designed to be a lifetime account.  You can change all personal information within your account. This includes changes to your name, address, email, etc.  Any future applications (renewals, added endorsements, other licensure, etc.) will be completed through this same account. eLicensing: Account Creation 12

13  Upon account creation, you will need to verify your email address. An email will be generated and sent to you; click on the link or copy and paste it into your browser.  If you did not receive the email (and you have checked your spam/junk mail), you entered your email address incorrectly. You will need to change it in eLicensing. Do not create another account.  This is our primary source of contact with you; make sure it is a valid, personal email address that is unique to you.  A college or district email may become inaccessible later on.  Check. Your. Spam. Folder. Our emails can end up there by mistake and you could miss an important message from us.  Your credential will be emailed to you as a PDF file. eLicensing: Email Verification 13

14  Utilize the application checklist.  Have all items scanned and uploaded on your computer before applying. This will ensure a smooth application process and that you complete it in one sitting.  Begin in advance.  All complete applications take up to 6 weeks to process. Be prepared to wait the entire 6 weeks.  Set aside time to sit down and focus only on the application.  Most people try to complete the application at work or during other stressful times. Give yourself time to focus on it.  Read the application thoroughly; don’t click “Yes” just to get through it! This will prevent mistakes and misunderstandings. General Application Tips 14

15  Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox are the best web browsers to use to access the eLicensing system. With Internet Explorer, you may need to change the compatibility mode.  It’s always preferable to use a PC, as opposed to a Mac or mobile device, to access the application.  You can click on items that you have uploaded to make sure they are the correct document and have uploaded correctly.  Self-Disclosure: misdemeanor DUIs and traffic violations do not need to be disclosed.  If you have any issues paying the application fee ($80 with a credit card), call us to avoid a double-charge. General Application Tips 15

16  Everything is digital; DO NOT mail anything to CDE. All materials need to be scanned and uploaded into the “Teacher” application.  Collect all of your application materials, scan them, and put them onto your computer before applying.  Only OFFICIAL transcripts should be submitted; either an e- Transcript PDF or a hard copy mailed to you, opened, then scanned.  Do not send in an application unless you have all required materials – otherwise, your processing time will be doubled.  If your application is incomplete for 90 days, it will expire and you will have to re-apply and pay the fee again. “Teacher” Application: eLicensing 16

17  Fingerprints (provided by Metro)  Official transcripts from all institutions of higher education attended (even if credits transferred).  Again, official e-Transcript PDF OR official mailed copies opened, scanned, and uploaded. “Issued to Student” is okay.  Bachelor’s transcripts must show degree as “Awarded” or “Conferred;” Master’s transcripts need to show student teaching completion and grade.  Approved Program Verification Form (provided by Metro)  Exam results (contact PLACE or PRAXIS II for your score report)  A score report is required even if you had the results sent to CDE.  A valid CO driver’s license OR a valid U.S. passport “Teacher” Application: Required Materials 17

18  You will be emailed a receipt – keep this receipt, as we cannot send it again. You can use this to prove that you have at least applied while your app is being processed.  You can check the status of your application at any time by logging in to your eLicensing account.  Once your license status says "ISSUED," you will receive an emailed eCertificate same-day.  Check your spam/junk folder in your email!  Save your eCertificate – if you need another copy, you must fill out a “Reprint Request” application. “Teacher” Application: Submission 18

19  An Initial license is issued for 3 years and is renewable once.  If renewing a second time or more, you will need to provide a statement on why you have not completed an Induction Program.  No professional development or additional courses are required to renew an Initial license.  Set a calendar reminder to renew your license – can begin process up to 6 months in advance (but no earlier).  You do not need to submit fingerprints again.  If an Initial license expires, you must meet any new requirements (testing, etc.) to renew it.  You can add endorsements to an Initial license – see our website for information on adding specific endorsements. Initial License: General Information 19

20 6000 E Evans Ave., Bldg #2, Suite 100 Denver, CO 80222 (bookmark this website!) 303.866.6628 (option “1” for Enforcement/Self-Disclosure/Fingerprints) CDE: Office of Professional Services & Licensing (OPSEL) 20

21 Thank You! 21

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