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1 Strategy on Leadership & Motivation References: Articles from HBR, McKinsey etc & Books : 1. First Break all the rules (M Buckingham & Curt Coffman)

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Presentation on theme: "1 Strategy on Leadership & Motivation References: Articles from HBR, McKinsey etc & Books : 1. First Break all the rules (M Buckingham & Curt Coffman)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Strategy on Leadership & Motivation References: Articles from HBR, McKinsey etc & Books : 1. First Break all the rules (M Buckingham & Curt Coffman) 2. Leadership Engine (Noel M Tichy) 3. Execution. (Ram Charan & Larry Bossidy) 4. The New Leaders (Daniel Goleman, R Boyatis & Annie Mckee)

2 2 Management Vs Leadership A Function Planning Budgeting Organising/ Staffing Evaluating Controlling Problem Solving A Relationship Setting Direction Aligning people Motivating & inspiring Coaching Building Trust

3 3 “ In order to make a fire burn, you fan the live coals. In order to keep your organization fired up, it’s imperative that you find and motivate the leaders or potential leaders in your organization regardless of how far down the line they might be.” - Dexter Yager

4 4 Qualities of a Leader Emotional IntelligenceEmotionalIntelligence Level 5 leader Ability to energize people Critical to successful Leadership

5 5 Why Emotional Intelligence ? creates climates in which information sharing, trust, healthy risk taking & learning flourish. low levels of EI create climates rife with fear & anxiety is carried thru’ an organisation like electricity thru’ wires. Leader’s mood is quite literally contagious, spreading quickly throughout the business. leader’s mood & accompanying behaviours are potent drivers of business success & hence leader’s premier task is emotional leadership. it is the spark that ignites a company’s performance, creating a bonfire of success or a landscape of ashes….moods matter that much.

6 6 Self Awareness Ability to recognize and understand your emotions, strengths, weaknesses, needs and drives, as well as their effect on others Hallmarks: Self Confidence Realistic self assessment Self deprecating sense of humour “Gives self confidence”

7 7 Self Regulation Ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses and moods The propensity to suspend judgement ie, to think before acting Hallmarks: –Trust worthiness and Integrity –Comfort with ambiguity –Openness to change “Creates environment of trust & fairness”

8 8 Self Motivation A passion to work for reasons that go beyond money or status- Achieving for the sake of achievement. Propensity to pursue goals with energy and persistence Hallmarks: Strong desire to achieve Optimism, even in case of failure Organisational Commitment “A drive to surpass goals”

9 9 Empathy The ability to understand the emotional make up of other people Skill in treating people according to their emotional reactions Hallmarks: Expertise in building and retaining talent Cross cultural sensitivity Service to clients and customers “Thoughtful consideration of feelings”

10 10 Social Skills Proficiency in managing relationships and building networks (no leader is an island) An ability to find common ground and builds rapport Hallmarks: Effectiveness in leading change Persuasiveness Expertise in building and leading teams “A knack for building rapport”

11 11 LEVEL 1- Highly Capable Individual with Talent, Knowledge, Skills, Good Work Habits LEVEL 2-Contributing Team Member Works Effectively with others in Group Settings LEVEL 3-Competent Manager Organizes people & resources In pursuit of predetermined objectives LEVEL 4-Effective Leader Commitment to clear Vision Stimulates group to high performance LEVEL 5 Greatness Personal Humility Professional Will

12 12

13 13 To Motivate People

14 14 Leadership Engine… Leaders generating more leaders thru teaching Leaders are constantly challenged to have both a teachable point of view, and a methodology for teaching.teachable point of view Test for leader’s commitment is the amount of high quality time the leader invests in developing others Leaders are energized not just by the goal of the team/ organization. But by transforming and coaching individuals to be leaders themselves …For Leaders developing Leaders

15 15 Strategy

16 16 A Leader’s Teachable Point of View IDEAS VALUES EMOTIONAL ENERGY AND EDGE

17 17 Focus on Leaders cum Managers & not just Managers Focus on developing Leaders at all levels Create Leadership Development Institute Leaders to develop Leaders – “Leadership Engine”. Embedment of Leaders developing Leader agenda from top to bottom - linkage with Performance Management System WINNING today - BUILDING for Tomorrow Strategy for Developing Leaders at All Levels

18 18 Action Plan 1.Crash course on Leadership for all Regional Managersrash course 2.Training Program on Emotional Intelligence. 3.Leadership Development Institute Leadership Training Program for employees to whom min 5 staff report Leadership Summits and Guest lectures Leadership Exchange Programs Essence of Strategy… Action

19 19 Crash course for RMs 2 modules of 3 days each, spread over 2 months Highlights of the program : 360 degree feedback Self assessment Self motivation Coaching What makes a leader? Energising and motivating people Teach and Learn Out bound training

20 20 Action Plan (contd.) 5. Leaders develop leaders :Create Human Resource System to strategically initiate leader developmentSystem 40% weightage to be given in Performance Appraisal towards developing leaders 6. Only people with right attitude towards leadership to be recruited When we take action, we are in Leadership

21 21

22 22 Develop Leaders at all levels in the Organization Crash course on Leadership for RMs Leadership Development Institute Leadership Development Program Leaders to develop Leaders – “Leadership Engine” Create HR System to strategically initiate Leader development Summary Leading HPCL from a Good to a Great Company

23 23 Thank You…. We need your guidance and support in making every Manager a Leader and realizing Organizational Vision

24 24 Strategy on Leadership & Motivation Coaches: M P Eshwar Arun Garg Group Members: Hari V Athawale Hemant Kulkarni Isan K Brahma J.Jayaraj Mathew A Thomas Prakash U Vaidya Praveen Kumar Rashmi Saran

25 25 Important HBR Articles read by group members : 1.Primal Leadership : The Hidden Driver of great Performance 2.Changing the Role of Top management – beyond Structure to Process 3. Changing the Role of Top management – beyond Systems to People 4.What Effective General Managers really do ? 5.No ordinary Boot Camp 6.Managers and Leaders : Are they Different? 7.The Failure Tolerant Leader

26 26 Important HBR Articles read by group members (contd.) : 8.What Leaders Really Do ? 9.Leadership that Gets Results 10.Level 5 Leadership 11.Breakthrough Leadership 12.Managing Oneself 13.Managing your Boss 14.Why Entrepreneurs Don’t Scale 15.When a New Manager stumbles, Who’s at fault ? 16.The Young and Clueless

27 27 Important HBR Articles read by group members (contd.) : 17.The middle Manager as Innovator. 18.Are You Picking the Right Leader ? 19.Let’s hear it for B-players. 20.How I Learned to Let My Workers Lead. 21.Six Dangerous Myths about Pay. 22.Has Pay for Performance Had Its Days ? 23.Beware the Busy Manager. 24.Getting it done-New Roles for Senior Executives.

28 28 Important HBR Articles read by group members (contd.) : 25.The Five Minds of a Manager. 26.The Manager : Master & Servant of Power. 27.Leadership and Change. 28.How Do You Motivate Employees ? 29.Power is the Great Motivator. 30.In praise of Middle Managers.

29 29 Books : 1. First Break all the rules (M Buckingham & Curt Coffman) 2. Leadership Engine (Noel M Tichy) 3. Execution. (Ram Charan & Larry Bossidy) 4. The New Leaders (Daniel Goleman, R Boyatis & Annie Mckee)

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