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Emotional Intelligence. Group Work Introductions Reflections - Good and Bad Leaders Identify Values and Behaviours Identify Skills.

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Presentation on theme: "Emotional Intelligence. Group Work Introductions Reflections - Good and Bad Leaders Identify Values and Behaviours Identify Skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emotional Intelligence


3 Group Work Introductions Reflections - Good and Bad Leaders Identify Values and Behaviours Identify Skills

4 Emotional Intelligence Daniel Goleman The new leaders Transforming art Leadership into Science of Results

5 What is Emotional Intelligence?..the ability to use your understanding of emotions in yourself and others to deal effectively with people in a way which reduces anger and hostility, develops collaborative effort and produces creative energy.

6 Leadership Awareness Expressing feelings openly and honestly taking risks, dealing with conflict Reaching consensus by listening and developing other people’s ideas Having a mixture of doers, thinkers and carers and a manager Having clear, shared objectives, a good plan, good reviews of progress The need to get the job done

7 Emotional Intelligence Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence versus IQ A predictor of managerial performance Calm environment - use feelings to guide thinking Intense pressure - survival mode Variability within population of response

8 Achieving one’s goals through the ability to manage one’s own feelings and emotions, to be sensitive to and influence other key people and to balance one’s motives and drives with conscientious and ethical behaviour. Higgs and Dulewicz 1999

9 Emotional Competence Framework Personal Competence How we manage ourselves self-awareness self-regulation motivation Personal Competence How we manage ourselves self-awareness self-regulation motivation Social Competence How we handle relationships empathy social skills / relationship management Social Competence How we handle relationships empathy social skills / relationship management

10 Personal Competence Self awareness Do you know what drives you? How do you feel? Moods, emotions, drivers - impact on self and others?

11 Personal Competence Self awareness Reading one’s own emotions Recognising impact emotions Utilising gut feelings Accurate self assessment - S&W Self confidence - self worth and capabilities

12 Personal Competence Self awareness Traits Self confidence Realistic self-assessment Self depreciating sense of humour

13 Personal Competence Self Regulation / Management Can you manage your emotions appropriately? Do you have the ability to adapt and change behaviours?

14 Personal Competence Self Regulation / Management Control or redirect disruptive impulses or moods Suspend judgement Think before act

15 Personal Competence Self Regulation / Management Traits Trustworthy Integrity Comfort with ambiguity Open to change

16 Personal Competence Motivation Do you feel motivated? Do you display motivation and persistence? Are your motivation levels adaptable?

17 Personal Competence Motivation Passion for work / vocation Passion beyond reasons of status and money Pursue goals with energy and persistence

18 Personal Competence Motivation Traits Strong drive to achieve Optimism Organisational commitment

19 Social Competence Empathy Can you read and understand others? Can you understand the emotional makeup of others? Do you understand diversity and cultural differences?

20 Social Competence Empathy Understand others perspectives and emotional makeup Good active listeners Good team and organisational awareness - dynamics Enabling style / approach

21 Social Competence Empathy Traits Expert at building and retaining talent Cross cultural sensitivity Focus on service to customer Treat people according to emotional reactions

22 Social Competence: Social Skills / Relationship Management Do you understand yourself? Do you understand others? Do you understand interactions, context etc?

23 Social Competence: Social Skills / Relationship Management Proficient at managing relationships and building network Ability to find common ground Ability to build rapport

24 Social Competence: Social Skills / Relationship Management Traits Effectiveness in leading change Persuasiveness Expert in building and leading teams

25 How can you develop your EQ? How can you facilitate EQ development in your team?

26 Suggested Development Ideas Feedback Appraisal / PDP Mentoring Coaching Budding

27 Suggested Development Ideas Shadowing Networking Support Reflection

28 Suggested Development Ideas Self development SWOT Opportunities and practise Psychometrics - 360 Create balance

29 The Essentials for Development Good reason to change (aspiration or desperation??) Self assessment and 360 feedback should be part of process Development must be well planned Behavioural changes must be encouraged, supported, validated

30 Summary Understand and manage own emotions Understand your interactions with others Physical and emotional well-being Structural / organisational well-being

31 On leadership….. A good leader is one whom the people respect, the poor leader is one the people hate, but the great leader is one who, when the people have finished, they say, ‘we have done it ourselves’ Lao-Tzu

32 “The first and best victory is to conquer self” Plato

33 “The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people” Theodore Roosvelt

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