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Warm Up Grab Primary Source Reading and a Copy of Song Lyrics Prepare for Notes.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up Grab Primary Source Reading and a Copy of Song Lyrics Prepare for Notes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up Grab Primary Source Reading and a Copy of Song Lyrics Prepare for Notes

2 The Improvement of the Interior The Era of Good Feelings (Cont’d)

3 Turnpikes The National Road Cumberland MD As far West as Illinois

4 Steam Travel Steam boats moved people and goods faster on waterways in the United States Steamboats would carry people on many of the nations rivers such as the Mississippi and Hudson

5 Railroads First commercial railroads open in the 1830’s Spurred Growth in iron and later steel industries Country needed more track

6 Canals Water transportation faster than land travel Many canal companies started in the Northeast Charged for travel on canal

7 The Erie Canal Connected Great Lakes to Atlantic Ocean Hudson River to Lake Erie Completed October 26 1825

8 Primary Source Reading Read Aloud!“Traveling the Erie Canal”

9 Time to SING!!! “Erie Canal” Popular Folk Song from the time about traveling the Erie Canal Let’s listen to the Boss Perform





14 Learning From Music What can we learn from the song “Erie Canal”? What do the lyrics tell us about life during this time period?


16 Review Sheet Review Take out your Test Review Sheets Do you have any questions? Remember: These will be collected tomorrow at the start of the test for a HW grade.

17 Warm Up! On A Piece of Paper Write a paragraph summary as to why the period from the 1820’s to 1830’s is known as the Era of Good Feelings.

18 Warm Up Grab a Primary Source Packet and Read While reading consider this question… How did technology contribute to the national mood during the Era of Good Feelings? When finished reading please put packet back onto front table.

19 Industrialization Growth of the Nation

20 What is Industrialization? We hear the term often. But what does it mean? What do you think industrialized or industrialization means?

21 Industrialization The switch from an agriculturally based economy and society to an economy based upon factory production and a society based on owning the means of production

22 History of Industrialization Began in England Many of the technologies stolen from England Took hold in New England Many water sources Subsistence Farming Large labor supply Ports

23 Lowell: Case Study of Industrialization Lowell, Massachusetts Near two rivers Birthplace of US Industrialization Textile Mills


25 Textiles Need cheap labor Repetitive task Power Loom and Spinning Jenny Often Dangerous Competitive Long Hours

26 Textiles in Lowell Lowell first to hire women Lowell System Boarding House Young unmarried girls Sign contract for 1-3 years Clean Work Environment Strict curfews Mandated church attendance Provided their workers with a healthy diet

27 Lowell Life Women often banded together Wrote their own Publications Lowell Life Birth of Labor Unions Primary Source: Harriet Hanson Robinson



30 Creative Time Take a Piece of Blank Printer Paper Divide in Half (Hot Dog Fold) Draw and Contrast Agrarian versus Industrial

31 Review What is Industrialization? Compare an Industrial Society with an Agricultural Society How did America gain Industrial Technology?

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