Committee Charter Revisions and Proposed Amendments to IFTA, Inc. Bylaws Lonette Turner Executive Director IFTA, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "Committee Charter Revisions and Proposed Amendments to IFTA, Inc. Bylaws Lonette Turner Executive Director IFTA, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Committee Charter Revisions and Proposed Amendments to IFTA, Inc. Bylaws Lonette Turner Executive Director IFTA, Inc.

2 Committee Charters Explanation of Revisions

3 Committee Charter Revision Project At its meeting in January 2007, the IFTA, Inc. Board of Trustees reviewed all of the IFTA Committee Charters The Board determined that there should be more consistency in the committee charters regarding responsibilities (where appropriate), membership, term limits and vacancies

4 Committee Responsibilities Added to Charters maintaining a committee member rotation chart, recruiting members and maintaining a list of potential committee members, making recommendations to the Board to fill committee vacancies; and maintaining the IFTA Best Practices Guide (APC, AC, LEC)

5 Membership Provisions Revised To ensure selection of chair was consistent with the provisions of the IFTA, Inc. Bylaws To ensure selection of committee members was consistent with the provisions of the IFTA, Inc. Bylaws To allow the committees to establish the number of members and the number from each region

6 Changes to Term Limit Provisions Term limits of committee members were changed to be consistent with term limits prescribed for the Board of Trustees in the IFTA, Inc. Bylaws (three consecutive 2-year terms) Committee chairs and vice chairs may serve no more than one two-year term in those positions

7 More Changes to Term Limit Provisions The term limit of a member serving as chair or vice-chair will automatically extend, if necessary, to the end of the term of service as chair or vice-chair An exception to the term limit may be granted by the Board A committee member having completed three (3) two-year consecutive terms may serve again on the APC if a complete two-year term has passed following that committee member’s previous service

8 Terms APC November 1 – October 31 Audit Committee February 1 – January 31 All other committees January 1 – December 31

9 Exceptions Industry Advisory Committee The term limits are applicable only to the IAC Steering Committee and not to the other IAC committee members – this was at the request of the IAC to ensure participation on the committee Attorneys’ Section The members of the Attorneys’ Section and the Steering Committee have requested additional time to review the proposed changes and make recommendations. The Board will review suggestions in October

10 Vacancies Provisions Should the chair vacate the position prior to end of a full two-year term, the vice-chair shall assume the chair a new vice-chair will be selected by the committee Both the new chair and vice-chair shall serve the unexpired term of his or her predecessor. The completion of the unexpired term as chair and vice-chair will not count as one of the two-year terms that may be served

11 Approved by Board Each committee had an opportunity to review and comment on the charters prior to vote The revised committee charters were approved by the Board in June 2007 The Board liaisons distributed the revised charters to the committees and the revised charters were posted on the IFTA, Inc. website

12 IFTA, Inc. Bylaws Proposed Revisions to Committee Provisions

13 Purpose of Proposed Revisions Consistency in the provisions regarding selection of the chair and selection of the committee members Dispute Resolution Committee – added specifics regarding committee selection

14 Article Six – Section 6 Program Compliance Review Committee Added provision found in other sections that the Board president with the approval of the Board shall appoint the committee chair Added provision found in other sections that the chair shall select the committee members subject to the approval of the Board Removed provision stating that the Program Compliance Review Guide would contain the selection criteria (the committee charter provides that the committee can determine the selection criteria)

15 Article Six – Section 7 Dispute Resolution Committee Added provision found in other sections that the Board president with the approval of the Board shall appoint the committee chair Added provision found in other sections that the chair shall select the committee members subject to the approval of the Board Added provision that the committee members shall be selected from the members of IFTA, Inc. (the member jurisdictions) and the IAC as set forth in the DRC Charter


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