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What is anxiety? Anxiety disorder is a general term that is used for several disorders like fear apprehension and worrying.

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2 What is anxiety? Anxiety disorder is a general term that is used for several disorders like fear apprehension and worrying.

3 Who Gets Anxiety and How Common Are They? Anxiety is very common and anyone can get it.

4 Anxiety symptoms. Symptoms vary but some symptoms can be panic attacks, less social activity. Twitching, nausea, chocking, dizziness.

5 Main Types of Anxiety Disorder. Generalize anxiety disorder: It is characterized by non specific constant fear, worry and being overly concerned over normal matters. Panic disorder: Often confused with anxiety attack, panic disorders is characterized by occasional panic attacks.

6 Phobias: Phobias are cases of anxiety disorder, that relate to the fear and that are triggered by one specific thing for example one might have a phobia of heights. OCD: OCD is a type of anxiety disorder that is characterized by obsessions and compulsions.

7 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: PTSD is an anxiety disorder that develops following a dramatic experience. Separation anxiety: People suffering from separation anxiety disorder can not deal with being separated from a person or place.

8 What are the treatments of anxiety attack? People can go see a psychologist. They use new technology to help you get over anxiety, sleep and medication is not a cure.

9 What other kinds of support and help are available? People can go see a doctor, seek support from family members and loved ones.

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