For all student teaching candidates.  The last observation  The final conference  Completing end of semester paperwork  What happens next with my.

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Presentation on theme: "For all student teaching candidates.  The last observation  The final conference  Completing end of semester paperwork  What happens next with my."— Presentation transcript:

1 For all student teaching candidates

2  The last observation  The final conference  Completing end of semester paperwork  What happens next with my licensure?

3  Assuming all is well … 1. Secure the CT and Principal’s signature on the Certification of Teaching Capacity (EE 4). 1. Make an appointment with your principal if necessary. 2. Candidate should initial at the bottom of all pages. 2. Make a copy to keep and upload in TaskStream; US keeps the original. Your CT/Principal may also request a copy.

4  Make sure you have uploaded everything in TaskStream  EE 1: Transcript or PRAXIS II scores  EE 4: Signed copy of Certification of Teaching Capacity  EE 5: ISL Project  EE 6 A/B: Professional Development Plan (if applicable – all pieces not required by all programs)

5  Scheduled by your university supervisor  Usually occurs during the week of commencement (Mon, Tues, Wed)  You will receive emails asking you to complete surveys on your CT, US, and program. Do not delete the emails! The link to the survey is in the emails. Every email is a different survey.  Surveys must be completed BEFORE you meet with your supervisor for the final conference.

6  Paperwork to complete for the final conference: 1. Professional Education Licensure Data Sheet – in handbook addendum or available on the OFE website under “Resources and Forms” 2. Application for a North Carolina License (Form A) – available in Handbook, on OFE website, and on DPI website  Answer all questions truthfully and include documentation if necessary.

7 3. $55 check to North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI). Cash is NOT accepted. Money orders are accepted. 4. The original CTC signed form (from your supervisor) 5. Passing PRAXIS II scores  REQUIRED For elementary and special ed; strongly suggested for all other content areas

8  You will receive your Licensure Status Checklist  Documents what you have turned in  Use for documentation until you get your letter from TEAL  Takes 3-4 weeks for TEAL to process applications; once your information is verified (TaskStream, dept), TEAL sends your recommendation to DPI. You will receive a letter from TEAL when this has occurred.

9  Use your letter until your receive your license (could be up to three months!)  If you have questions, you should contact the TEAL office directly at 704-687-8725.

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