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Human Origins in Africa (Prehistory). Common Chronological Terms B.C. - “Before Christ.” Refers to a date so many years before the birth of Jesus Christ.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Origins in Africa (Prehistory). Common Chronological Terms B.C. - “Before Christ.” Refers to a date so many years before the birth of Jesus Christ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Origins in Africa (Prehistory)

2 Common Chronological Terms B.C. - “Before Christ.” Refers to a date so many years before the birth of Jesus Christ. Ex: 1200 B.C. A.D. - “Anno Domini” Refers to a date so many years after the birth of Jesus Christ. Ex: A.D. 120 BCE/CE - “Before the Common Era” and “Common Era.” These terms correspond to B.C. and A.D., respectively. Decade - 10 years. Ex: The 1930’s was a decade of economic depression in many parts of the world. Century - 100 years. Note that the 1st century A.D. refers to the years 0 to 99. Millennium - 1,000 years. Jan. 1, 2001 was the start of the new millennium.

3 Dating Methods Dendrochronology - dating of past events through the study of tree ring growth. Radiocarbon Dating - scientific method of dating any material from a living source within the last 40,000 years. Ex: bone, antler, ivory, teeth and charcoal. Relative Ages - Dating of past events through the study of rock layers.

4 Human Origins Many people have often wondered, “What were the earliest humans like?” Due to that fact that there were no written records of prehistoric peoples, scientists have to piece together information about the past. Due to this, what we know about Prehistory is still far from complete. Prehistory dates back to the time before the invention of writing (roughly 5,000 years ago). Archaeologists are specially trained scientists who work to uncover the story of prehistoric peoples by excavating and studying the traces of early settlements.

5 Scientific Clues Archaeologists use excavated sites, or archaeological digs, to help them analyze all existing evidence, such as bones and artifacts. Bones might reveal what the people looked like, how tall they were, the types of food they ate, diseases they may have had, or how long they lived. Artifacts are human-made objects, such as tools and jewelry. These items might tell how people dressed, what work they did, or how they worshipped. These help recreate a picture of early people’s cultural behavior. Scientists called anthropologists study Culture, a people’s unique way of life. Paleontologists study fossils and then use complex techniques to date ancient fossil remains and rocks. Ultimately, scientists work as a team to make new discoveries about how prehistoric people lived.

6 Progress during the Old Stone Age Invention of tools, mastery over fire, and development of language occurred during the Stone Age. 3 parts of the Stone Age Paleolithic Age (Old Stone Age) Most occurred during the Ice Age Mesolithic Age (Middle Stone Age) Neolithic Age (New Stone Age)

7 In 1978, prehistoric footprints were discovered in an East Africa nation and they resembled those of modern humans. The footprints were made by humanlike beings now called Australopithecines. Humans and other creatures that walk upright, such as the Australopithecines, are called HOMINIDS. Walking upright helped them travel distances more efficiently.

8 Homo Habilis A fossil was discovered in East Africa and scientists named it Homo Habilis, which means “man of skill.” Tools made of lava rock were found around Habilis. The tools were used to cut meat and crack open bones. Considered the 1st toolmaker.

9 Homo Erectus Homo Erectus, another kind of hominid, appeared in East Africa. Homo Erectus were more intelligent and adaptable than Homo Habilis. Erectus used technology --ways of applying knowledge, tools, and inventions to meet their needs Erectus 1st to migrate (move) from Africa. Erectus 1st to use fire. Fire helped them keep warm, cook food, and settle new lands. Erectus might have developed the beginnings of spoken language.

10 The Dawn of Modern Humans Many scientists say Homo Erectus turned into Homo Sapiens, the name for us. Homo Sapiens means “Wise men.” Early groups of Homo Sapiens were: Neanderthal and Cro-Magnons

11 Neanderthals They had heavy slanted brows, muscular, and thick bones They were resourceful. Lived in caves or shelters made of wood or animal skins during the harsh winters. Survived for 170,000 years and then vanished.

12 Cro-Magnons Existed 40,000 years ago Their skeletal remains show that they are identical to modern humans. They had Superior hunting strategies They planned their hunts (Studied animals’ habits and stalked their prey) Cro-Magnons were advanced in spoken language These things helped them outlast the Neanderthals

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