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VOCABULARY AND DEFINITIONS Geography - Maps. Compass Rose Looks a bit like an arrow and shows the directions north, south, east, and west.

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Presentation on theme: "VOCABULARY AND DEFINITIONS Geography - Maps. Compass Rose Looks a bit like an arrow and shows the directions north, south, east, and west."— Presentation transcript:


2 Compass Rose Looks a bit like an arrow and shows the directions north, south, east, and west

3 Map Key Helps the reader understand what the symbols on the map mean

4 scale Shows the distance on a map

5 latitude The lines on a map that run east and west. It measures the distance north and south of the equator.

6 longitude Lines that run north and south. They measure distance east and west of the prime meridian.

7 Locator map Is a smaller map in the corner of a larger map

8 Political Map Shows information such as - the location of state or national border, or the location of capital cities

9 Physical Map Shows physical characteristics of a place – such as mountains and valleys

10 Relief The different colors on a map that show high and low places.

11 Elevation map Another map that shows physical characteristics of land area

12 elevation The distance or height of land above sea level

13 region An area of land that shares physical or human characteristics

14 Historical map Provides historical information: dates or symbols to show where battles were fought

15 Population-density map Shows the number of people living in an area

16 Satellite map Shows a region as it looks from space

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