THE ENGLISH CIVIL WAR XI. England a. Charles I i. Needed money for wars with France and Spain ii. 1628 Parliament refuses to grant the King money unless.

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Presentation on theme: "THE ENGLISH CIVIL WAR XI. England a. Charles I i. Needed money for wars with France and Spain ii. 1628 Parliament refuses to grant the King money unless."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE ENGLISH CIVIL WAR XI. England a. Charles I i. Needed money for wars with France and Spain ii. 1628 Parliament refuses to grant the King money unless he signed a Petition of Rights with the following points 1. King could not i. Imprison subject without cause (Habeus Corpus) ii. Levy taxes without Parliament consent iii. House soldiers in private homes iv. Impose martial law in peacetime iii. King agreed so he could get them money then ignored it

2 b. English Civil War (1642-1649) i. Charles I needed money to put down a rebellion in Scotland and needed to call Parliament into session to get it 1. Parliament passes laws to limit the Power of the King a. Charles tried to arrest members of Parliament leading to a riot causing him to flee England ii. Those loyal to Charles (Cavaliers) vs. the supporters of Parliament (Roundheads) b. English Civil War (1642-1649) i. Charles I needed money to put down a rebellion in Scotland and needed to call Parliament into session to get it 1. Parliament passes laws to limit the Power of the King a. Charles tried to arrest members of Parliament leading to a riot causing him to flee England ii. Those loyal to Charles (Cavaliers) vs. the supporters of Parliament (Roundheads)

3 iii. OLIVER CROMWELL (Lord Protector, Puritan) a. f. 1644 Oliver Cromwell begins winning battles and continues until the Kings capture in 1647 1. King executed in 1649 after standing trial a. Why is this so important? b. Cromwell establishes a Commonwealth but ends it in favor of a dictatorship iii. OLIVER CROMWELL (Lord Protector, Puritan) a. Born in Huntingdon, Wales-1599 b. Graduated from Sussex College-1616 c. Enters Military Service-1633 d. Raises troops on behalf of Parliament-1642 e. Names General of New Model Army-1645 f. 1644 Oliver Cromwell begins winning battles and continues until the Kings capture in 1647 1. King executed in 1649 after standing trial a. Why is this so important? b. Cromwell establishes a Commonwealth but ends it in favor of a dictatorship


5 iv. Restoration 1. After Cromwell’s death his government fell and the people asked Charles II to come rule England e. Glorious Revolution i. After Charles II, James II becomes King 1. Flaunts his Catholicism and violates English law by appointing Catholics to high office 2. Parliament protested and James dissolved it 3. Has a son greatly concerning the public about a line of Catholic Kings a. Parliament asks Mary, James older sister, to have her husband William of Orange overthrow the British king i. Mary was protestant ii. William agrees and invades England 1. James II abdicates beginning the Glorious Revolution

6 ii. Results of the Glorious Revolution 1. Constitutional Monarchy created through the Bill of Rights of 1689 a. No i. Suspending of Parliamentary law ii. Levying taxes w/o consent of Parliament iii. Interfering with freedom of speech in Parliament iv. Penalty for someone who petitions grievances


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