The Growth of Towns SEC 3 Ch. 5. The Rights of Townspeople  As towns started to grow. People started to realize they did not fit into the manorial system.

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1 The Growth of Towns SEC 3 Ch. 5

2 The Rights of Townspeople  As towns started to grow. People started to realize they did not fit into the manorial system. They started to make their living by making and trading goods.  Lords still controlled the towns. They expected something in return. Most towns won self- government by peaceful and sometimes violent means.

3 Charters  Some lords granted Charters to towns. Written statement of a towns rights. Most people in towns in Europe gained 4 basic rights. 11. Freedom -- Lived in a town for 1 yr and a day. Included serfs that escaped from manors. 22. Exemption -- Free from ever working on the manor. 33. Town Justice -- Towns had their own courts 44. Commercial Privileges - - Could sell goods freely in the town.

4 Guilds  As trade increased and towns grew larger, Merchants and workers united in associations called GUILDS.  Each town had a Merchant Guild -- Only people from that town could trade there. Outsiders had to pay a fee. Took care of members families.

5 Guilds  Craft Guilds formed out the workers. Each guild had members from a single craft.  Ex. Shoemaker, weavers They set the wages, hours and working conditions. Set standards for quality of work. Also looked after other members

6 Training of Skilled Workers  Three step in becoming a skilled worker. Apprentice -- Training could take 5 to 9 years.  Parents paid the master to teach the boy. Journeyman -- a skilled worker that was paid a wage.  A Journeyman could only become a master by making a masterpiece.  Had to be approved by the other masters  If approved he could open up his own shop.

7 The Middle Class  These master and merchants became the Middle Class They were neither nobles nor peasants The middle class favored the kings over the nobles.  Kings protected trade and business.  Kings looked to middle class for advice.  Middle Class received Government jobs.  Started to gain power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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