Co-funded by the European Community eContentplus programme The “Protected Areas” scenario of the HUMBOLDT project Roderic Molina GISIG NATURE-SDIplus Good.

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1 co-funded by the European Community eContentplus programme The “Protected Areas” scenario of the HUMBOLDT project Roderic Molina GISIG NATURE-SDIplus Good Practices workshop “Experiences in data modelling and management for nature conservation”

2 NatureSDIplus 2 The HUMBOLDT Project  GMES project 27 partners from 14 European countries  Will contribute to the implementation of an European Spatial Data Infrastructure (ESDI) ‏  HUMBOLDT is a registered SDIC of INSPIRE and contributes to INSPIRE Testing

3 NatureSDIplus 3 HUMBOLDT = Data Harmonisation  A Europe-wide harmonization of the data does not yet exist.  Trans-sectoral,trans-lingual, trans-border use of information  Development of a framework for data harmonisation and service integration  facilitating the harmonization of the spatial data by automating the necessary processes

4 NatureSDIplus 4 HUMBOLDT Data Harmonisation issues  different data formats  different data models  missing / inconsistent / outdated metadata  meaning of objects, i.e. semantics  different coordinate reference systems  Scale, amount of detail  Geometric consistency between datasets ...

5 NatureSDIplus 5 HUMBOLDT Data Harmonisation Framework  Collection of tools, components, and concepts for harmonisation  To be used by the European geodata providers in a standardized way.  Technology will be available as Open Source  Tested and validated against the end user requirements in the HUMBOLDT scenarios

6 NatureSDIplus 6 HUMBOLDT Scenarios  Proof of concept and Framework in different real domains: border security, water, forest, ocean, etc...  One of this scenarios is Protected Areas (GISIG) ‏  Implementation of an end user application using harmonised data  Evaluation against user requirements

7 NatureSDIplus 7 GISIG's Protected Areas Scenario  demonstrates the INSPIRE approach in a specific application field  Using Protected Areas data from Portugal and Italy (very heterogeneous data sources) ‏  Phases: system specification: use cases, user stories, identification of harmonisation needs data specification: analisis of datasets, creation of a data profile (identification of features and atributes) ‏ creation of a comprehensive Protected Areas conceptual data model End user application to demonstrate the framework capabilities with scenario harmonised data

8 NatureSDIplus 8 Testing the HUMBOLDT Framework with Protected Areas data  Tourism Valorisation use case (Optimization of touristic exploitation of Protected Areas) ‏  Harmonisation Phases: Discovery and Acquisition of data requires several different types of data sets Analysis of Heterogeneities Application of Processing and Analysis capabilities Demonstrated example for tourism valorisation  Result: heterogeneity aspects can automatically be resolved.

9 NatureSDIplus 9 Verifying the requirements for a datamodel for Protected Areas scenario  Analisys of heterogeneous data sources, provided by the project partners  creation of common data profile for protected areas  UML modelling: tentative creation of classes and sub- classes according to the INSPIRE Annex I, II and III classification, to meet the issues arising in the scenario.  Proposal for a “target” model of the Protected Areas scenario that will be used as the reference for schema harmonisation

10 NatureSDIplus 10 INSPIRE datamodel compliance  common “target” data model for Protected Areas scenario using as reference the Protected Sites datamodel from INSPIRE  Matching HUMBOLDT vs. INSPIRE

11 NatureSDIplus 11 HUMBOLDT datamodel process  Showing the INSPIRE features/attributes with the matching Humboldt data features/attributes, and with the matching available data.

12 NatureSDIplus 12 HUMBOLDT datamodel process  Proposal for a specific HUMBOLDT Protected Areas scenario conceptual datamodel

13 co-funded by the European Community eContentplus programme Thank you

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