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Thorax The thorax is the region of the body formed by the sternum, the thoracic vertebrae and the ribs.

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Presentation on theme: "Thorax The thorax is the region of the body formed by the sternum, the thoracic vertebrae and the ribs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thorax The thorax is the region of the body formed by the sternum, the thoracic vertebrae and the ribs.

2 Bones of the Thorax Ribs Sternum

3 Ribs 1-7= True ribs 8-10= False ribs 11-12=Floating ribs Protect lungs


5 Sternum Protects heart Site for attachment of ribs and clavicle

6 Anatomy of the Thorax Ligaments

7 Costal cartilage-connects ribs to the sternum Cartilage of the Thorax


9 Muscles of the Thorax Pectorals Latissumus Dorsi Intercostals Diaphragm

10 Pectoral muscles

11 Latissimus Dorsi

12 Intercostals

13 Diaphragm

14 Organs of the Thorax Heart Lungs



17 Injuries of the Thorax Contusion Wind knocked out Rib fracture Pneumothorax Hemothroax Asthma Hyperventilation

18 Contusion Result of a direct blow Pain around the injury site. Pain when the ribcage flexes





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24 Wind knocked out Blow to the abdomen Diaphragm spasms Unable to take breath for short period of time



27 Rib fracture




31 Pneumothorax


33 Pneumothorax: signs and symptoms Sudden shortness of breath Cyanosis (turning blue) Pain felt in the chest and/or back

34 Pneumothorax

35 Hemothorax

36 Heart Attack Also known as Myocardial Infarction Myocardial-heart muscle Infarction-tissue death due to oxygen starvation

37 Heart Attack Signs and Symptoms chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, sweating, and pain in left arm.

38 Asthma During an asthma attack, muscles around the airways tighten up, making the airways narrower so less air flows through. Inflammation increases, and the airways become more swollen and even narrower.


40 Asthma: signs and symptoms Coughing Wheezing Shortness of breath Chest tightness, pain, or pressure

41 Asthma What to do? Your doctor will also prescribe medicines to keep your asthma under control. Take your medication as prescribed!!! Only take your medication!!!

42 Hyperventilation Over breathing; Fast deep breathing Symptoms include: dizziness or lightheadedness, shortness of breath, numbness and tingling in your arms or around your mouth Often, panic and hyperventilation become a vicious cycle Try to calm person down by talking slow Have person breathe into a paper bag

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