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Term Paper Guide. Introduction Proofreading Does the introduction start with a general sentence that is attention-getting? Are there a few sentences that.

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Presentation on theme: "Term Paper Guide. Introduction Proofreading Does the introduction start with a general sentence that is attention-getting? Are there a few sentences that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Term Paper Guide

2 Introduction Proofreading Does the introduction start with a general sentence that is attention-getting? Are there a few sentences that transition to the thesis? Is the introduction at least 5 sentences? Is there a complete T.A.G.? IS THERE A THESIS? – History – Characters – Theme

3 Plot Summary Is there a brief overview of the plot of the novel? (Refer to the plot summary done in class). Is it developed? (no less than five sentences or more than ten) Does the topic sentence introduce the setting of the novel? Are the main characters introduced? Is the main conflict introduced? Is there a concluding sentence?

4 History/Culture/Author Proofreading Is there a clear historical or cultural topic or discussion of the author’s life? Is it DEVELOPED??? (2 paragraphs) Is there an explanation of the connection to the novel? Is there paraphrased research? Is there at least one quotation? Is it mostly paraphrased/in the writer’s own words? Is there correct parenthetical documentation?

5 Character Analysis Proofreading Are there at least 2 separate paragraphs? Is there a topic and concluding sentence for each paragraph? Are the characters’ important physical and personality traits analyzed? Is there at least 1 quote from the novel and at least 1 quote from the literary criticism? Are these parenthetically documented? Are these paragraphs developed in AT LEAST 8- 12 sentences EACH?

6 Theme Paragraph Proofreading Is the topic sentence the theme of the novel? Is the theme universal – doesn’t use specifics from novel? Is the theme a complete thought and NOT simply a subject? Is the theme supported with examples from the novel? Is there a direct quote from the novel or literary criticism? Is there1-2 paragraphs and 5-10 sentences? _______________________________________

7 Elements/Devices Are there two other literary elements/devices discussed (not theme or characterization)? Is there an explanation of how the elements/devices are used? Are the elements/devices correctly identified? Is there one paragraph for each element/device discussed? Is there at least one quote from the literary criticism or novel for each element/device? Are the quotes explained?

8 Personal Response Are there 1-2 paragraphs discussing the personal opinion of the novel? Are there specific examples for the opinions expressed?

9 Conclusion Proofreading Is the thesis restated? Are the main points of the paper restated? – History/Culture/Author – Plot – Characters – Theme Does it leave off with a final thought that is thoughtful and provocative?

10 Works Cited Proofreading Look at the sample Works Cited and note any differences in set-up. Are there FIVE sources, including the novel? Are there various databases cited? (Infotrac, Bloom’s, Novels for Students, etc.) Pay careful attention to margins, font, title, header. – 1” margins After first line of each source, each add. line is indented 1.5”. – 12 pt. Times New Roman – Title: Works Cited (No u.l., bold, italics) – Last Name page number

11 Parenthetical Documentation Proofreading Circle the FIRST WORD of each source on the Works Cited page. Circle the page numbers listed in the database source. It is assumed that the novel has page numbers. Then, read through ALL of the person’s prewriting and check the Do the match the Works Cited entries? In other words, is the word in the p.doc the first word from the Works Cited entry? Are there page #s where there are supposed to be page #s? Punctuated correctly? Ex.: “…character” (Olsen 5). Are the quotations that are longer than 3 lines formatted correctly? son/apt4.aspx son/apt4.aspx

12 Format Are the margins all 1”? Is the header ½” from the top? Is the MLA heading correct? Is there an original title that is NOT underlined or italicized? Is the entire paper double-spaced without ANY extra spacing between paragraphs? Is the font Times New Roman, 12 pt.? Is the paper a minimum of a FULL ___ pages? Are all of the appropriate paragraphs present? Are literary terms analyzed for each character? Is there ample research with appropriate citations? Is there a Works Cited page numbered as the last page? Ex. Miller 6

13 Works Cited Steinbeck, John. Of Mice and Men. New York: Penguin Books, 1937. Print. /Anderson/apt4.aspx

14 No Excuse Errors 9 th grade – Must use caps and periods. Proper punctuation of all titles. No misspelling of words on handouts or tests or the titles of works of literature and characters in a paper. No abbreviations – IMing or texting lingo. 10 th grade – No personal pronouns (unless personal narrative, etc.). No contractions. No excessive run-ons or comma splices. No contractions. Plus 9 th grade list. 11 th – Maintain tense. Create list of misused words(affect/effect, you’re, your,etc.). No excessive agreement problems (sv; pn). Plus 9 th and 10 th grade lists.

15 TURNITIN.COM Are you set up for Will you be able to access the internet and submit the paper BEFORE you come to class? Do you know your email and password for Be sure to PRINT your receipt from submitting the paper. It will be emailed to you after your submission.

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